WebSockets are used in two way: general purpose WebSocket and data log WebSocket.
The following list describes some common WebSocket update types:
Query Parameter | Description |
CRT:NOTIFICATION | This is a general purpose notification. For example, when a device doesn't respond back to a request |
DEL:DEVICE | Shows when a device is deleted |
UPD:SC:CPU | Shows segment controller (SmartServer) CPU |
UPD:DEVICE | Show device status updates like device is provisioned, down or normal |
UPD:DATAPOINT | Shows datapoint updates. The REST subscribe request controls which datapoints have updates. If more than one CMS Web page or custom Web page using WebSockets then the one that issued the subscribe request last controls which datapoints show up in the CMS. |
UPD:MONITORINGSTATE | Shows whether monitoring is enabled disabled (this shows the state of the CMS Device Widget pause/play icon) |
NTF:JOIN | Shows received service pin messages |
NTF:TIME | Show the current CMS timestamp. Supported in SmartServer 4.1 (Beta) and higher |
The following list describes the optional query optional query parameters, see for encoding requirements:
Query Parameter | Description |
dev={device id or name} | Device id or device name. Formats: "?dev={device Id}" or "?dev=*+name=={device name}" Examples: "?dev=2", and "?dev=*+name==Sensor 1" |
blockName={block name} | Block instance name or XIF name. Format: "&blockName={block instance name}", "&blockName=*+xifName=={block XIF name}", "&blockName=*+name=={block instance name}" Examples: "&blockName=LightSensor", "&blockName=*+xifName==LightSensor", and "&blockName=*+name==LightSensor" |
blockIndex={Index} | Block Index |
dpName={datapoint name} | Datapoint instance name or XIF name. Formats: "&dpName={datapoint instance name}", "&dpName=*+xifName=={datapoint XIF name}", "&dpName=*+name=={datapoint instance name}" Examples: "&dpName=nvoLightLevel", "&dpName=*+xifName==nvoLuxLevel", and "&dpName=*+name==nvoLightLevel" |
value={time range} | timestamp range Filters. Example formats: "&value=*+utc>{utc starting timestamp}", "&value=*+utc<={utc ending timestamp}", and "&value=*+utc>{utc starting timestamp}&utc<={utc ending timestamp" Example: "&value=*+utc>2021-04-22T08:00:00.000&utc<=2021-04-22T17:35:10.000" To limit the amount of data logs returned it recommended that you use starting and ending timestamps, or limit request to specific datapoints |