For SmartServer 3.5 and higher, see Managing the SmartServer SD Card.

For SmartServer 3.3 and prior, see Managing the SmartServer SD Card (Release 3.3 and Prior)

The Devices widget, SEGMENT CONTROLLERS tab, provides the ability to view system information including internal flash memory, CPU utilization, and log sizes, as well as to perform system and database backup and restore operations. You can also erase data on the SD Card using the command line. This section describes how to do so.

Warning: You cannot install a USB flash drive into a SmartServer with any USB network interfaces, such as the U60 FT network interface. As a result, you cannot use a USB flash drive for data log storage if you have any USB network interfaces attached to your SmartServer. Instead, use the SD Card for data log storage.

Erasing Data on the SD Card

The command line can be used to delete SmartServer IoT database and system backup files from the SD Card. Using the command line, you can select specific database and system backup files to be removed, or you can remove all of the backup files.

To delete SmartServer database and system backup files that are stored on the SD Card using the command line (ssh or console), perform the following steps:

  1. Connect and log into to the SmartServer. See Connecting to Your SmartServer for more information.

  2. Enter the following command to change to the /media/sdcard/backups directory: cd /media/sdcard/backups

  3. Enter the following command to view the directory file contents and its size: ls -s

    The database and system backup files are stored with the date and time of their creation encoded into the name using the format yyyy-mm-dd-hhmmss as shown in the following examples:

    Note: Database backups are .zip files and full system backups are .tgz files.

    total 868180
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  10258111 May  6 23:19
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 878744783 May  7 00:12 SmartServer-System-Backup-2021-05-07-035021.tgz

  4. Use the rm command to remove a file(s) as shown in the following examples with the date and time specific to files:


    Use the following command to remove all of the contents of the /media/sdcard/backups directory:

    Warning: Be sure to only perform this command to remove the contents of the /media/sdcard/backups directory.

    rm *