Additional Files
As mentioned in the IDL Driver File Locations section, the example.conf file is a configuration file that can be used to run an application or an IDL driver as a service on the SmartServer IoT using Supervisor, which is the process manager. The aforementioned section provides details on where this file should be located to run the example IDL driver as a service. A configuration file for a program that’s going to be run as a service contains some basic elements. This includes the program name and associated process name, and path statements to the actual application location and any associated log files. The autostart and autorestart parameters also instruct Supervisor to run the application when the system boots and to restart it if it exits.
[program:example] command=/var/apollo/data/example/example process_name=example ... autostart=true autorestart=true ... stdout_logfile=/var/apollo/data/example/example.log
As also described in the IDL Driver File Locations section, the example-idl.conf file is a configuration file that among other things, specifies the protocol name for this custom driver as it will be referenced in the IAP API, and it also provides the path to the resources sub-directory where device type files associated with this protocol are located. The configuration file is passed to the IDL library in main.cpp when IdlInit() is called to start up the custom driver. A complete description of the contents of a driver configuration file can be found in Conf File.
{ "Protocol identifier": "example", "MQTT specific details": { "MQTT client ID": "example.0", "cleanSession": false }, "xif_dir_absolute_path": "/var/apollo/data/example/res", ... }
Device interface definition files, such as exampledevice.xif, should be copied to the /res/ sub-directory specified in the configuration file above. As mentioned in IDL Driver File Locations, the SmartServer IoT’s CMS does not currently copy custom device interface definition files automatically into the custom driver resource directory if the file is imported into the CMS using the Device Types widget (LUM-7757). This example device interface file includes the definition for a simulated device that contains four, simple counter data points. There are certain data point property columns that are mandatory to include in a custom device interface file, which includes the DataPoint Name, IAP Type, Write Enable, & Address columns. Details on these mandatory column properties can be found in Collecting or Creating Device Definitions. Drivers to other protocols may need additional columns to define all of the necessary properties required to access data points using these custom protocols. Custom columns can be added to the definitions for datapoints in a device interface definition file as shown in the example below, however the SmartServer does not currently pass these custom parameters to the driver itself via the device create callback function (AP-7698). For reference, see the *xif_dp_array parameter in the device create callback function described in Device Create Functions.
#filetype,example_xif #program_ID,9B0001050004EC00 #manufacturer,EnOcean #description,exampledevice xif Datapoint Name,IAP Type,Write Enable,Address,Myfield1,Myfield2 Counter_A,SNVT_count,-,0,F6,02 Counter_B,SNVT_count,-,1,F6,02 Counter_C,SNVT_count,-,2,F6,02 Counter_D,SNVT_count,-,3,F6,02