KB1346 - IzoT CT with Visio 2016 Installation or run time issue ***

KB1346 - IzoT CT with Visio 2016 Installation or run time issue ***


IzoT CT doesn’t install.


IzoT CT is a 32-bit Application which runs on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows.  CT requires 32-bit Visio,  CT will not work with 64-bit Visio.  If you already have Microsoft Office installed on the PC, check to make sure it is 32-bit Office.  If your PC is using 64-bit office (open word or excel and go to "File > Help" to see whether the program is 32-bit or 64-bit)  then you need to uninstall 64-bit office and install 32-bit office followed by IzoT CT (if Visio purchased with CT) or Visio (if Visio purchased separately) and then CT. As an alternative some customers use a VM for for CT.



The error message "The system cannot find the file specified" is typically raised because Microsoft Office 64-bit has been installed on the computer. 


The latest IzoT CT (formally called OpenLNS CT) is available at the link below. This link provides IzoT CT but doesn't include Visio. The latest CT version fixes many installation problems. You can use this software if you just purchased IzoT CT or if you have an up to date Annual Maintenance Agreement (first year is included).


IzoT CT 4.5 fixes all known installation issues. If you install CT 4.5 you can ignore the rest of this KB article.

IzoT CT software releases:

IzoT CT, OpenLNS CT, and LonMaker  

Even though IzoT CT works with .NET Framework 4.8, OpenLDV network driver which comes with CT only works with .NET Framework 3.5 which means you need to enable .Net Framework 3.5 on this PC before installing IzoT CT.

If haven't enabled .NET Framework 3.5 then you will see the message below and you need to enable it.

KB1408 provides instructions on how to install .NET Framework 3.5.


Latest IzoT CT: Fixes most of the issue below, so install the latest before continuing using the link above.




Issues: Install the latest CT service Pack before going through this list

1. I purchased IzoT CT with Visio 2016.  When I run the IzoT CT software, a prompt is displayed reporting that Visio has not been activated. 

If you purchased an IzoT CT 4.1 DVD and received the DVD in a package without a Visio 2016 product key and you are not using Office 365, contact Echelon Support by sending an e-mail to edge.support@enocean.com with the model number on the label on the back of the DVD case.  When Echelon receives your e-mail, we will provide you with a product key for Visio 2016 and instructions on how to enter the key.
If you received an IzoT CT DVD with a printed Visio 2016 product key and you are not using Office 365, use the product key during Visio 2016 installation to prevent activation errors.  If you already installed Visio 2016 without entering the Visio 2016 product key from the printed label, follow these steps to change your product key:

a. If you see the following dialog when you start Visio, click the Activate button, click the Enter Product Key button, and then enter your Visio 2016 product key and click Continue.  If activation does not complete within a minute, click the Visio icon in the Windows taskbar and check for a prompt for an Administrator to give permissions for the software to make changes to the computer.


b. If you do not see the previous dialog, open any Visio drawing or create a new blank drawing, click File, click Account, click Change Product Key, and then enter your Visio 2016 product key and click Continue.

If you are using Office 365, see number 3 below.

2. I installed IzoT CT with my own copy of Visio 2016 (purchased separately from IzoT CT) and I get a "Setup is unable to proceed due to the following error(s):" message or a “Resource Allocation NS, #7” error when I start IzoT CT.  



For example:

or (NS, #7)


Please use the latest CT link above which should fix this issue.  If you can't use the latest CT then continue with these instructions

Microsoft has two installation technologies that they use for the products in the Office 2016 suite.  The Microsoft Office products include Visio, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Project.  The two installation technologies are called MSI and Click-to-Run.  MSI technology is used by most traditional Microsoft Office products for the desktop, including the version of Visio 2016 shipped by Echelon with IzoT CT 4.1.  Click-to-Run technology is used by Office 365 products, including the Visio 2016 included with Visio Online Plan 2.  Without the use of an additional utility, the IzoT CT installer does not work with Click-to-Run versions of Visio 2016.
To determine if you have installed a Click-to-Run version of Visio 2016, follow these steps:

a. Open any Visio drawing or create a new blank drawing, click File, click Account, and then click About Visio.  The Product Information page is displayed.  Following is an example Product Information page:


b.If the Product Information specifies you have a subscription product, or if the version number displayed on Product Information page under About Visio includes Click-to-Run after the build number, you have a Click-to-Run version of Visio 2016.

If you are using a Click-to-Run version of Visio 2016, download and install the Echelon Click-to-Run Registry Repair Utility to make the registry compatible with IzoT CT.  The ReadMe document included with the utility describes the installation instructions.

3. I have Office 365 and I cannot install the Visio 2016 software included on the IzoT CT DVD.

Microsoft does not support installation of Visio 2016 using an MSI installer with Office 2016 using a Click-to-Run installer.  Office 365 uses a Click-to-Run installer.  As described in the previous answer, the installer for the copy of Visio 2016 included on the IzoT CT DVD is an MSI installer.  As a result, if you have Office 365 you will not be able to install Echelon's version of Visio 2016 included with the IzoT CT 4.1 DVD, and you will not be able to install any other copy of Visio 2016 with an MSI installer.  
If you are using Office 365, you can purchase a Click-to-Run version of Visio 2016 such as the Microsoft Visio Online Plan 2 (https://products.office.com/en-us/visio/microsoft-visio-plans-and-pricing-compare-visio-options ) which includes a Click-to-Run version of Visio 2016 for the desktop.  See the previous answer for instructions on how to install IzoT CT with a Click-to-Run version of Visio. **Note: Visio plan 1 is not supported as it does not include the Visio desktop application.

4. The IzoT CT or IzoT Net Server installer never seems to complete the installation and terminate.

See  KB1348 as this may be due to a Windows Installer RDS compatibility issue.


5. IzoT CT displays a "Cannot start IzoT CT", "Cannot start LonMaker" or LonWorks.VST error message.

For example:


Please verify that you are using 32-bit Visio 2016. 64-bit Visio can't be used.  If you are using 64-bit Visio you will need to uninstall Visio and IzoT CT, and install 32-bit Visio and IzoT CT.

If you are using 32-bit Visio then this issue usually means that a Visio 2016 service pack required by the IzoT CT software has not been installed.  If you purchased the DVD version of IzoT CT, the required service pack is included with the DVD.  However, there have been cases where the service pack was not installed during installation. 

To determine if you have the service pack installed, start Visio 2016, open any Visio drawing or create a new blank drawing, click File, click Account, and then click About Visio.  The first line has the version number in the following format: Microsoft Visio 2016 MSO (<Version Number>) 32-bit.  If the version number is 16.0.4639.1000 or higher, you have the required service pack installed.  If the version number is lower, for example 16.0.4266.1001, it is possible the required Visio service pack is not installed and you must install it for IzoT CT to function correctly.  In some cases, the version number will not correctly change after installing the Visio service pack and may remain at an older value such as 16.0.4266.1001

If you purchased the DVD version of IzoT CT, you can install the required service pack from the DVD.  To install the Visio 2016 Service Pack on the CT DVD, follow these steps:

  1. Type Programs in the Windows search box, and then click Add or Remove Programs and Files.

  2. Scroll to and click Echelon IzoT CT in the program list, and then click Uninstall.  IzoT CT will be uninstalled, but your IzoT CT and IzoT Net Server licenses will not be removed.

  3. Type File in the Windows search box, click File Explorer, navigate to the VisioUpdate folder on the CT DVD, and then double-click Update.exe.

  4. Install or reinstall IzoT CT.

You can also install the latest Visio 2016 updates using Windows Update.  To update Visio 2016 with Windows Update, follow these steps:

  1. Type Update in the Windows search box, click Check for Updates, and then click Advanced Options.

  2. Select the first option to get updates for other Microsoft products when you update Windows.

  3. Click the back arrow in the top-left of the dialog to return to the Windows Update home page.

  4. Click Install Now.

If you still have an Visio issue (e.g., no CT "Add-Ins" menu showing up in Visio) then please make sure the Visio  "Enable Automation events" is checked, see KB1354 for details.

6. Some of the IzoT CT dialogs are missing or IzoT CT is not working properly.

Check if the Visio 2016 Trust Center settings are configured properly, see KB1349 for details.

7. Visio 2016 keeps asking for Activation when starting IzoT CT or Visio directly.

If you didn't purchase Visio 2016 with IzoT CT then this workaround doesn't apply to you, please contact Microsoft support.  If you purchased Visio 2016 with IzoT CT then please send an email to support@echelon.com and include the IzoT CT Activation Key and the xxx-xxxx-xx product key on the CD. 

8. If you see "compile error in hidden module".

This usually indicates that you have 64-bit Visio installed.  IzoT CT only works with 32-bit Visio (32-bit Microsoft Office).  You will need to uninstall 64-bit office and only use 32-bit visio.  Next install IzoT CT again. 

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