Sub-Telegram Timing

Sub-Telegram Timing

Sub-telegram Timing for Transmitters (Sender)

EnOcean Radio Protocol 1 (ERP1) and EnOcean Radio Protocol 2 (ERP2) uses a repeater-level dependent time slot mechanism for the sub-telegram timing during transmission:

  • The sender of a radio telegram will transmit the first sub-telegram immediately upon receiving the request for transmission.

  • The time offset (interval) between the first sub-telegram and the second sub-telegram is a random value between 1 ms and 9 ms.

  • The time offset (interval) between the first sub-telegram and the third sub-telegram is a random value between 20 ms and 39 ms.

Sub-telegram Timing for Repeaters

First-level repeaters

First-level repeaters repeat (re-transmit) sub-telegrams that they received directly from the sender.

For first-level repeaters, the time offset (interval) between the reception of an original sub-telegram and its own transmission of the first (repeated) sub-telegram is a random value between 10 ms and 19 ms.

Likewise, the time offset (interval) between the reception of an original sub-telegram and its own transmission of the second (repeated) sub-telegram is a random value between 20 ms and 29 ms.

Second-level repeaters

Second-level repeater repeat (re-transmit) sub-telegrams that they received from a first-level repeater.

For second-level repeaters, the time offset the time offset (interval) between the reception of the telegram and its own transmission of the first (repeated) sub-telegram is a random value between 0 ms and 9 ms.

Likewise, the time offset (interval) between the reception of the telegram and its own transmission of the second (repeated) sub- telegram is a random value between 20 ms and 29 ms.

Timing Summary (Standard)

The table below summarizes the standard sub-telegram timing for the different cases.

Repeater Level

Time Offset [ms]
First sub-telegram

Time Offset [ms]
Second sub-telegram

Time Offset [ms]
Third sub-telegram

0 (Original Telegram)


1 … 9

20 … 39

1 (Repeated for the first time)

10 … 19

20 … 29

No 3rd Subtelegram

2 (Repeated for the second time)

0 … 9

20 … 29

No 3rd Subtelegram

Timing Summary (Japan)

Certain countries – such as Japan - have regulatory limitations for the total duration of a radio transmission in certain frequency bands including those used by EnOcean products.

For these cases, a compressed sub-telegram timing has to be used which ensures that all transmissions related to one event are finished after 50 milliseconds.

Repeater Level

Time Offset [ms]
First sub-telegram

Time Offset [ms]
Second sub-telegram

Time Offset [ms]
Third sub-telegram

0 (Original Telegram)

0 … 1

4 … 12

14 … 22

1 (Repeated for the first time)

0 … 1

4 … 12

14 … 22

2 (Repeated for the second time)

Not used

Not used

Not used