Maturity Time

Maturity Time

Maturity time is used to determine if identical sub-telegrams belong to the same original telegram or to different telegrams. This is especially important if the same telegram might be sent more than once; this could for instance be the case for a “Toggle” command where a user might send the same command to switch a light ON and subsequently switch the light OFF again.

Identical sub-telegrams (same sender, same content) transmitted or received within the Maturity Time are considered to belong to the same telegram and therefore need to be processed only once.

TX Maturity Time

The maximum time between the request for transmission and the end of transmission of all sub-telegrams is called the TX Maturity Time.

 In radio systems using standard sub-telegram timing, the TX maturity time is 40 ms because the transmission of the last telegram will start no later than 39 ms after the transmission request. In radio systems using compressed sub-telegram timing, the TX maturity time is 25 ms.

After the TX maturity time has elapsed, the host can be sure that all sub-telegrams corresponding to the telegram have been transmitted. In practical applications this means for instance that an external controller can power down the transmitter after the TX maturity time has elapsed.

RX Maturity Time

The maximum time during which sub-telegrams belonging to the same telegram might be received is called the RX Maturity Time. Identical sub-telegrams from the same sender are considered to belong to the same telegram if they are received within the RX maturity time.

In EnOcean radio systems using standard sub-telegram timing, the RX maturity time is 100 milliseconds while in EnOcean radio systems using compressed sub-telegram timing, the RX maturity time is 50 milliseconds.

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