1BS Telegram
1 Byte Sensor (1BS) telegrams use R-ORG 0xD5
The payload of 1BS telegrams consists of - surprise - one byte of payload (Bit0 … Bit7).
1BS telegrams are used exclusively to encode the status (open / closed) of a binary contact (typically a magnet contact). The payload can also identify a teach-in telegram (1BS Teach-in Telegram), which however does not provide information about the manufacturer.
The distinction between data and teach-in telegrams is made based on the status of Bit 3 (LEARN):
If Bit 4 is set to 0, then the telegram is a 1BS Teach-in Telegram
If Bit 4 is set to 1, then the telegram is a 1BS Data Telegram
If the telegram is a 1BS Data Telegram, then Bit 0 (CONTACT) identifies the contact status:
If Bit 0 is set to 0, then the contact is open
If Bit 0 is set to 1, then the contact is closed