Supporting IzoT CT

Supporting IzoT CT

The SmartServer can be used to manage and control devices on an IzoT CT network (or an IzoT Net Server database). IzoT Commissioning Tool (IzoT CT) is a drag-and-drop tool for creating and provisioning a network for monitor and controlling devices. Use IzoT CT 4.2 release or later.

This section describes how to use the SmartServer with IzoT CT and consists of the following:


Datapoints for LON devices are readily available in CT. Datapoints for other protocols (e.g., BACnet, Modbus, LoRaWAN, EnOcean) cannot be directly accessed by CT, but you can create SmartServer internal devices in order to translate these datapoints from a different protocol to LON datapoints, which can be accessed by IzoT CT.

You can use the SmartServer for RNI-only and/or IP-852 routing (in this case, you do not need a device capacity license), or optionally use these features with the other built-in features (in this case, a device capacity license is required), such as the CMS web page, scheduling, data logging, or alarming. Updating the SmartServer software in the future requires a maintenance license.

Common use-cases (most sites use one or more of the following features) are as follows:

  • RNI

  • IP-852 routing

  • Multiport routing

  • Access LON devices with a BACnet tool (requires .btm files for each LON device type)

  • Access devices using different protocols (e.g., Modbus, BACnet with an LNS tool like IzoT CT)

  • Monitor and control devices using the built-in CMS web pages

  • Monitor and control devices with custom application using REST/WebSocket or MQTT APIs, either locally or through the cloud

  • Network recovery, which uses CT (OpenLNS Network recovery) to discover an existing network. SmartServer CMS device discovery feature is not used; it can remove existing connections and change device existing network domain/subnet/node IDs.

In addition to the SmartServer IoT, you will need to purchase a U60 or U70 for each LonWorks channel that you want to support (i.e., FT-10, TP-1250, or power line).

The figure below shows an IzoT CT network with a SmartServer being used to manage and control external devices, and that is part of IP-852 Router network. A SmartServer IoT internal device is shown on the IP-70 network. Once you create the CT drawing, you can export all or part of the network to the SmartServer. Only devices in the same subsystem as the SmartServer IoT device, or one of its child subsystems, are exported to this SmartServer IoT.

IzoT Commissioning Tool (IzoT CT)

The figure below shows how the SmartServer can be part of an IP-852 Network. You only need to add an IP-70 channel if you are using the SmartServer as a multi-port router (i.e., more than one U60/U70) and/or you are using the other SmartServer built-in features (e.g., CMS web page, scheduler/datalogger/alarms/Node-RED functionality, which require a SmartServer IoT device be added to the SmartServer IP-70 channel). A SmartServer IoT device is not needed if you only use the SmartServer for RNI or IP-852 routing. RTR-SS2-852 in the figure below shows how you can use the SmartServer IoT as a replacement for an iLON 600 or iLON 700.

Configuring the SmartServer and CT

A summary of the steps needed configure the SmartServer and CT is provided below. If you only use the SmartServer as an RNI, then the summary of steps do not apply; you can ignore them. RNI configuration is done on the SmartServer Configuration page LON tab.

Summary of Steps (Requires IzoT CT 4.2+)

  1. Configure the SmartServer to use Independent Management Mode (IMM) for LON devices using the CMS Devices widget. Device Management Mode (DMM) is the default. See (Optional) Switch From LON Management for more information.

    1. Failure to change to IMM first before commissioning will result in those functions to stop working after the SmartServer reboots. 

  2. Optionally, configure IP-852 routing.

    1. Add the SmartServer IP-852 router to the CT drawing.

      1. If you are only using one U60/U70, then you can connect the router shape to an IP-852 channel and to the other LonWorks channel (FT-10, TP-1250, or power line).

      2. If you are using more than one U60/U70, then you will need to add an IP-70 channel (each SmartServer has its own IP-70 channel) and a router for each U60/U70 tied between the IP-70 channel and the other LonWorks channel (FT-10, TP-1250, or power line).

        1. Add the SmartServer IP-852 router between the IP-852 channel and its IP-70 channel.

    2. Commission the SmartServer routers using the SmartServer LON Configuration page. Use the service connect pin for the specific channel. 

    3. If you are only using the SmartServer for IP-852 routing, then you are done and you can ignore the rest of these steps.

  3. Optionally, add a SmartServer IoT device to the CT drawing. This is not needed if you only use the SmartServer for IP-852 routing or as an RNI.

    1. A SmartServer IoT device is needed if you want to use the built-in functions (e.g., CMS web page to monitor and control datapoints, alarms, scheduling, data logging, and Node-RED). 

      1. Each SmartServer IoT device requires its own IP-70 channel.

    2. Depending on the number of devices on the network, more than one SmartServer may be used.

    3. Only devices in the SmartServer IoT device subsystem or child subsystem are are exported to the SmartServer using the IzoT Net Export Utility.

  4. Import any required Resource File Sets into the CMS.

    1. Import any device Resource File Sets using the CMS (Import/Export button) or as part of a DTP file.

      1. These Resource File Sets need to be converted to XML files. Only the Resource File Set XML files are imported into the SmartServer.

      2. The IzoT Net Export Utility does not export Resource Files sets so this must be done manually.

      3. These Resource File Set XML files must be imported prior to running the IzoT Net Export Utility or importing XIF files.

    2. Optionally, import device XIF files manually (use /skipfiles with IzoT Net Export Tool) or use IzoT Net Export Utility to import them.

    3. Optionally, import any BTM files. 

      1. You can create one or more DTP files with all the required Resource File Sets, XIF, BTM, and other import files, and import the DTPs instead of importing files one at a time.

  5. Export the LON database (IzoT Net Export Utility) that has been created, or a subset of the database, to the SmartServer using the IzoT Net Export utility in order to access the LON devices in the SmartServer CMS. See Importing LON Devices from an LNS Network with IzoT CT.

    1. If you are only using the SmartServer for IP-852 routing, then the IzoT Net Export utility is not needed in this application.

  6. Use the CMS to configure datapoint properties (i.e., background polling, alarming, and data logging) and set up schedules. 

How To Reference

1. How to export a CT network with an existing SmartServer 2 Web Server FB into the SmartServer IoT

This process is only used to transfer the web server FBs; no other SmartServer 2 FBs should be used in the CT drawing.

  1. Import any necessary Resource File Sets into the SmartServer IoT using the CMS Import/Export button.

  2. Add an internal device to the SmartServer IoT using localDev and the SmartServer 2 V12 XIF file. 

    1. This approach will add roughly 416 extra datapoints that will not be used, but will consume resources. 

  3. In CT, do a device replacement for the SmartServer 2 using this new internal device (the service pin is available from the SmartServer LON Configuration page).

2. How to add dynamic datapoints to a SmartServer IoT using CT

  1. Import any necessary Resource File Sets into the SmartServer IoT using the CMS Import/Export button.

  2. Add an internal device to the SmartServer IoT using the SmartServer IoT dynamic datapoint XIF file (NM_DynamicC.xif) using the localDev application.

    1. This XIF file has 40 web server FBs that you can use to add dynamic datapoints: https://github.com/izot/smartserver-iot/tree/master/apps/localDev

  3. Commission the new SmartServer internal device in CT (the service pin is available in the SmartServer LON Configuration page).

  4. To create a dynamic datapoint In CT, drag-and-drop a datapoint shape onto one of the internal device web server FBs.

3. How to access BACnet, Modbus, EnOcean and LoRaWAN devices with IzoT CT 

BACnet, Modbus, EnOcean and LoRaWAN datapoints cannot be directly accessed by IzoT CT or IzoT Net Server. To do so, perform the following:

  1. Use an internal device to map the BACnet/Modbus/EnOcean/LoRaWAN datapoints to LON datapoints, which can be accessed with your LON integration tool. See Add a BACnet Interface for information on how to do the mapping.

    1. Use the localDev.exe application NM_DynamicC.xif file from the SmartServer GitHub repository to create an internal device with 64 empty LON Functional Blocks (FBs).

  2. Use your integration tool, such as IzoT CT, to dynamically add datapoints to the internal device; these are LON datapoints.

  3. Connect the internal device LON datapoints to the BACnet, Modbus, EnOcean and LoRaWAN datapoints.

    1. If the LON and BACnet/Modbus datapoint types are similar, then you can use the CMS Connections widget or a connections (CON) file to do the mapping between the LON and BACnet/Modbus datapoints.

    2. If not, then you will need to developed the code (node.js) or shadowConnect for the internal device that maps these LON devices to the other datapoints.

      For example, a float datapoint for the BACnet/Modbus translates directly to SNVT_temp_p. You can use shadowConnect.exe (from the SmartServer GitHub repository) if you have similar datapoint types.

      There are some limitations for BACnet XIF and Modbus XIF files when using shadowConnect.exe. Additionally, there are limitations for the names of dynamic datapoints added to IzoT CT/IzoT Net Server database. Once you add a dynamic datapoint into IzoT CT/IzoT Net Server, you cannot rename the datapoint. In this case, you must delete the datapoint and add a new datapoint with a new name. See Naming Considerations for BACnet XIF and Modbus XIF Files in the (Optional) Setting Datapoint Names for more information.

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