IzoT Router

IzoT Router

The IzoT Router is a ready-to-run appliance for connecting IzoT and LON devices on an Ethernet channel with IzoT and LON devices on an FT or RS-485 channel, and for connecting Web pages and enterprise applications to IzoT and LON devices. The IzoT Router automatically forwards packets between the attached Ethernet LAN channel and the attached FT or RS-485 LON channel. The IzoT Router comes with one built-in LON FT Channel. You can add additional LON channels to the IzoT Router by plugging in up to four external U60 DIN FT or RS-485 Network Interface Modules. You can configure the FT and RS-485 interfaces to communicate with IzoT LonTalk/IP or classic LON ISO/IEC 14908-1 FT devices (FT 3120, FT 3150, Series 5000 and Series 6000, such as FT 6050). The IzoT Router has a LonTalk/IP-LAN (IP-70) backbone that allows the IzoT Router to communicate directly to IzoT EX Stack and CPM 4200 devices.

The IzoT Router is available with a BACnet router that allows BACnet/IP workstations and devices on the Ethernet LAN channel to communicate with BACnet/IP devices on the FT or RS-485 LON channels.

An integrated FT terminator is included with the IzoT Router that you can enable and disable from a Web browser. This reduces the cost of installing an FT twisted pair installation by eliminating the requirement to wire a separate terminator.

An integrated IzoT Server connects IzoT and LON devices to Web clients, providing you with local Web access to monitor and control the operation of communities of devices. The IzoT Server provides an easy-to-use RESTful API with a low-overhead but powerful interface for discovering devices, monitoring their data, and controlling them via network inputs.

A set of example Web pages is included with the IzoT Router. You can use these Web pages to try out the IzoT Server, to interact with your devices, and to learn the IzoT REST API. You can use the included IzoT Vision tool to simplify development of advanced Web pages.  A charting page is also included that you can use to monitor and trend datapoints in your IzoT network.

You can use the included IzoT Device Stack EX to build custom apps to run on the IzoT Router. This enables you to extend the capabilities of the IzoT Router to add value to your IzoT Router deployments. You can develop your custom apps using Python, C++, or C.

The IzoT Router also supports IP-852, RNI, and LonScanner RNI network interfaces. You can use the IP-852 interface to interface with other IP-852 routers. You can use the RNI interfaces for interfacing with legacy LNS tools, as well as the LonScanner Protocol Analyzer. You can also use the IP-852 and RNI network interfaces to access your network through a NAT firewall and allow your IzoT Net Server or Open LNS Server computer to be located at a remote site, without having to set up the required IP routes between the two subnets.

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