Configuring the IzoT Router

You can configure the IzoT Router using the Web browser on a computer on the same subnet as the IzoT Router. To configure the IzoT Router, follow these steps:

  1. Find the IP address for the IzoT Router as described in Determining the IP Address of your IzoT Router.

  2. Open the IzoT Router Network Configuration page by entering the IP address for your IzoT Router in a Web browser.

  3. You will be prompted for a username and password. By default, the username is admin and the password is password. The following table summarizes the four default logins for the IzoT Router. You can change all four of these to secure access to your IzoT Router.

    TypeDefault UsernameDefault PasswordDescription
    IzoT Router Configuration Web PagesadminpasswordIzoT Router configuration Web pages
    IzoT Server AdminstratoradminadminIzoT Server administration Web pages
    IzoT Server UserizotizotIzoT Server user Web pages
    SSH and SFTPdebiandebianIzoT Router SSH and SFTP access
  4. Configure the IzoT Router as described in the following topics: