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For SmartServer 3.6 and higher, see Defining Device Types (Release 3.3 and Prior)

For SmartServer 3.3 and prior, see Defining Device Types (Release 3.3 and Prior)


Table of Contents

The Device Types widget provides the ability to create, view, and edit device types, as well as to import device types, and to export device type definition (DTD) files with a .dtd extension. A DTD file is a CSV file that lists the device type names, program identifier (ID), application image names, and graphics assets to be used as icons for specified device types. 

You first have to import any XIF files (see Collecting or Creating Device Definitions), resource files, application image files, system image files, and graphics files that you plan to use. When an XIF file that does not already have an associated device type defined is imported, a default device type will be created with the device type name equal to the XIF file name, the protocol and program ID set from the XIF file, and the graphics file set to a default device icon.

Once imported, you will be able to create new device types in the Device Types widget, and since the referenced files are already available in the database, you will only have to type a device type name (all the other entries will be selections from pull-down lists).

You can create a device type package (DTP) file that is an archive file that contains assets, resources, and definitions for defining new device types using the Export feature on the Device Types widget.

Users with Administrator, Owner, Controller, or Tenant roles can use this widget to create, modify, and delete device types datapoints within the geozones where they have the Administrator, Owner, Controller, or Tenant roles.  

Note: To best view all of the information on this widget, click the Expand button (  ). 


A DTD file contains the following columns (headings and values are not case sensitive):

Parameter                Description
Device TypeUnique name for the device type.  This is the name that will be shown to the user when defining the device in the CMS(required parameter)
ProtocolCommunications protocol, e.g., LON, Modbus, BACnet(required parameter)
Program ID

Unique program ID used to find the XIF file. Upon import, if the program ID exists because of a previously imported XIF, the automatically created type is deleted. (required parameter)

Default AppFilename for the default application image file. (optional parameter; does not apply to Modbus)
Default SysFilename for the default system image file. (optional parameter; does not apply to Modbus)
Auto App LoadBoolean indicating if the Default_App must be loaded upon initial provisioning a device of the specified type. Default value is false. (optional parameter; does not apply to Modbus)
Auto Sys LoadBoolean indicating if the Default_Sys must be loaded upon initial provisioning a device of the specified type. Default value is false. (optional parameter; does not apply to Modbus)
Graphics FileName of the graphics file for the device type icon. (optional parameter)

DTD File Example

The example below shows more than one device type being created for the same program ID to allow for different polling, logging, or alarming for two devices of the same type.
