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LON Device Types File Specifications
A LON device type is defined using a LON device interface (XIF) file. An XIF file is a file generated by device development tools such as IzoT NodeBuilder, IzoT ShortStack, or IzoT SDK.
This file defines the network interface for a LON device including program ID, and the functional blocks, network variables, and configuration properties implemented by the device, including the types for each. The program ID consists of 8 hexadecimal characters that describe the device manufacture, device class, usage, channel type and revision for the device application. When the device developer builds a device, the developer can build the device following one or more standard functional profiles, or can choose to define a custom resource file set. For example, the EVB NcMultisensor example uses the the NcMultisensorExample.typ (PID 9F:FF:FF:00:00:00:00:00 Scope 3) custom custom resource file set.
The following figure shows the top-level detail of the UFPTlightSensor profile in the IzoT Resource Editor.
The XIF file for the Evb NcMultiSensor is 5KEvbMultisensor.xif or 6KEvbMultisensor.xif that suit the EVB hardware model you might have. The fifth line in the XIF file defines the program ID (9F:FF:FF:05:01:84:04:50, and 9F:FF:FF:05:01:84:04:60) respectively for these devices. In order to manage a device, you must insure the SmartServer IoT has the resources that define the device on board.
A LON XIF file typically has the extension .XIF (not case sensitive).
If you will be using your SmartServer on a LON network managed by an IzoT Net Server or LNS Server, you must use the same XIF files with the same filenames that you used with your LNS management tool. The device XIF files are automatically imported by the IzoT Net Export utility. The LNS Device Template must always be created by an XIF file. That is, LNS Device Templates can not be created by uploading information from the device. If you don't have an XIF file from the device manufacturer then use nodeutil to create an XIF file for the device.
Neuron Firmware or Application Image File Specifications
You can import a Neuron firmware or application image file for a LON device that supports downloadable firmware. These are not required if you will be using you SmartServer on a LON network managed by an IzoT Net Server or LNS Server. Neuron firmware and application image files are are typically supplied by LON device manufacturers. If you are developing LON devices the image files are typically automatically produced by your development tools.