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You can download, create, and modify a device interface (XIF) definition for an EnOcean device using remote mode. An EnOcean XIF definition specifies the name, program ID, manufacturer, EEP, and datapoints in a device. 

This page includes the following sections and applies to remote EnOcean interface (beta):

Table of Contents

For remote local mode, see (Optional) Creating a Local EnOcean Device Interface (XIF) Definition.

Creating a Remote EnOcean XIF File

For a remote EnOcean XIF definition, create a CSV file with an .iotc extension defining the EnOcean device interface. The name of the EnOcean XIF file, without the .iotc extension, is the name of the EnOcean XIF. The extension must be .IOTC or .iotc.


#product_name,EDRPU Double Rocker Pad
Datapoint Name,IAP Type,Block Name,Block Index,Address,Write Enable,EnumMapping

File Type Specification

Identify an EnOcean XIF file with an Iotc_xif filetype specification as shown in the following example:


If you open a CSV file with this line in Excel, it is displayed as two cells, one with #filetype and one with Iotc_xif.

Product Details

Provide details about the product hosting the XIF described in the EnOcean XIF file with the program_ID, version, product_name, manufacturer, and EEP specifications as shown in the following example:


#product_name,EDRPU Double Rocker Pad

Datapoint List

An EnOcean XIF describes a set of datapoints that are embedded in a single EnOcean radio telegram from an EnOcean device.





Datapoint NameRequired

The datapoint XIF name. This is a descriptive name to identify the datapoint.

IAP TypeRequired

An IAP type specifies the data encoding for a datapoint, the datapoint value appearance in IAP/MQ, and identifies the datapoint type to be reported in IAP/MQ when a datapoint update is published to IAP/MQ. 

An IAP type may also specify the semantic meaning of a datapoint. Each driver may support a different subset of IAP types for the native types.

The following IAP types are defined:

  • Base types – bit, boolean, sint8uint8, uint16, sint16, uint32, sint32, uint64, sint64, float, and float32.  Base type values are case-sensitive and must use lower-case letters.

  • Standard types – the types listed in the SNVT, SCPT, and ENUM sections of Online Resource Files - LonMark. As of SmartServer 3.2, the IAP standard resource file set is based on the version 16.00 LonMark standard resource file set and the version 2.01 IoT resource file set. These types are made available to IAP applications by the Resource Publisher.     

  • Custom types – types defined by a custom IAP resource file set.  Custom types are defined by an XML format export from the IzoT Resource Editor. Custom IAP resource file sets include a program ID and a scope identifier that specifies a mask for the program ID.  The scope ID may be 3, 4, 5, or 6 corresponding to program ID masks of 0xFFFFFF0000000000 for 3, 0xFFFFFFFFFF000000 for 4, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00 for 5, and 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF for 6.  Custom types are specified as <program ID>-<scope>/<type name> where the <program ID>-<scope> specification is the set identifier. 
Block NameOptionalBlock XIF name for the datapointIf not specified because the column does not exist or the existing column has no entry, then the block name will be block.
Block IndexOptional

Specifies a numeric block index. The block index can be any positive (>=0) integer value and is not required to be sequential. If not specified, the block index will be zero.

Example: for a device with 8 digital outputs, you can define 8 blocks, each named DO, using indexes 0 through 7 (it is not required for the index names to be sequential and they may not start with zero).


Identifies the datapoint that the driver is interested in. Address refers to the

name of one of the EoLink channels for the device type. 

‘key’ reference string in the telemetry data published by the IoTC MQTT API.

Write EnableRequired

Specify read-only (-) for an EnOcean device.  


Contains a mapping definition between a string literal (coming from IoTC) and an integer number.

Mapping syntax:


Mapping definition can be as follows:


Do not duplicate values on either side of a mapping. The number of mappings is limited only by the IDL’s capability of handling strings.

If empty (default), no mapping is applied.

Write CommandOptional

Defines how to generate a message to be sent to IoTC's mqtt device/# topic. The value is a command to be executed.

Native 1 ValueOptional

Specifies the first of two native values for the datapoint. To specify scaling for a datapoint, specify two scaled values for the datapoint. The SmartServer uses the two sets of values to determine the scaling factors for converting a native value to an IAP value, as well as to convert an IAP value to a native value. 

Example, a native value can be scaled to an IAP value with the following:

Scaled Value = ((Native Value - Native Value 1) * ((Scaled Value 2- Scaled Value 1) / (Native Value 2- Native Value 1))) + Scaled Value 1

Example, an IAP value can be scaled to a native value with the following:

Native Value = ((Scaled Value - Scaled Value 1) *  ((Native Value 2 - Native Value 1) / (Scaled Value 2 - Scaled Value 1))) + Native Value 1

If a Native Value 1 value is specified, the Native Value 2, Scaled Value 1, and Scaled Value 2 values are required.

For Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion: 0 deg C = 32 deg F, and 100 deg C = 212 deg F
Native Value 1 = 0, Scaled Value 1 = 32 
Native Value 2 = 100, Scaled Value 2 = 212

Native Value 2OptionalSpecifies the second of two native values for the datapoint.  If a Native Value 2 value is specified, the Native Value 2, Scaled Value 1, and Scaled Value 2 values are required.  See the Native Value 1 parameter for usage and value requirements. 
Scaled Value 1OptionalSpecifies the first of two scaled values for the datapoint.  If a Scaled Value 1 value is specified, the Native Value 1, Native Value 2, and Scaled Value 2 values are required.  See the Native Value 1 parameter for usage, value requirements, and backward compatibility requirements. 
Scaled Value 2OptionalSpecifies the second of two scaled values for the datapoint.  If a Scaled Value 2 value is specified, the Native Value 1, Native Value 2, and Scaled Value 1 values are required.  See the Native Value 1 parameter for usage, value requirements, and backward compatibility requirements. 
PrecisionOptionalControls the number of decimals that will appear following a decimal point.

Importing an EnOcean XIF File

You can import a EnOcean XIF file that you downloaded or created as described in the previous sections.  The XIF file may be standalone, or it may be embedded in a device type package (.dtp) file.  A device type package file is a Zip archive containing multiple definition files.  To import an EnOcean XIF or device type package file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the SmartServer IoT CMS.

  2. Click the Import / Export button () on the CMS dashboard.

    The Import / Export dialog appears.

  3. Drag your XIF or device type package file to the Drop Files to Import box, or click Browse to browse for your file.


The filename for the example shown below is STM550-V1.iotc.  This example defines an EnOcean XIF for EEP D2-14-41.
