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The About topic informs tools of the edge server's make and model, capabilities, and limitations.  This topic is updated in the feedback channel once when the edge server starts.  The topic returns all of the available information.  


"capabilities":["lon-routing-rni", "lon-routing-router", "arbitrary-alarms", "device-grouping", "scheduler", "history", "pagination-snapshots"],
     "desc":"LonTalk Translator for SmartServer IoT",
     "license":"Copyright (c) 2022 EnOcean GmbH. All rights reserved.",
     "desc":"Apollo LonTalk Engine",
     "license":"Copyright (c) 2022 EnOcean GmbH. All rights reserved.",
     {"name":"Modbus protocol engine",
     "desc":"Modbus protocol engine for SmartServer IoT",
     "license":"Copyright (c) 2022 EnOcean GmbH. All rights reserved.",
"copyright":"Copyright (c) 2022 EnOcean GmbH. All rights reserved",
"model":"SmartServer IoT Professional Edition",
"product":"SmartServer IoT",
"mru":"2019-02-08 15:12:38.600 UTC"


The About object has the following properties:

Field Name





(Optional) Reports the copyright information.

Example: "Copyright (C) 2022 EnOcean GmbH"



Reports the supported discovery method. 

Possible values:

none       Discovery of devices is not supported. Perhaps the edge protocol supported by this segment does not support discovery and requires explicit device creation and management, or the devices within this segment are always present and not subject to discovery. Always-present devices include virtual devices representing hardwired I/O, for example.
autoDevices are automatically discovered and created in the hierarchy. This is suitable where crosstalk and ambiguity is not possible. For example, an edge server operating on a strictly private media could declare auto discovery mode.
Smart Automatic Topology Management. Devices can be discovered but are not automatically created in the hierarchy. Instead, the discovery is reported with a SATM object. This method is used where ambiguities can occur, for example due to a public media, risk of crosstalk, etc. For more information, see Device Discovery.



(Optional) Reports the manufacturer.

Example: "EnOcean"



(Optional) Reports the model information.

Example: "LSG 3000"



(Optional) Reports the product name.

Example: "Smartserver IoT"



(Optional) Reports the version of the product.

Example: "2.08.034"



(Optional) The version of IAP.

Example: "0"



(Optional) Reports a list of capabilities for an edge server. Knowing these capabilities allows tools and the IAP management software to adjust its behavior accordingly. An edge server’s capabilities do not change unless it is re-provisioned, repaired, replaced, or new firmware is loaded into it. The CMS considers the following capabilities unsupported unless they are included in the capabilities list:


Indicates that the edge server supports an alarm manager service that allows you to define conditions that raise and cancel alarms. See Alarm.


Indicates that the edge server supports point-to-point connections with infrastructure support. See Connections.


Indicates that at least one protocol supported by this edge server supports the simultaneous loading of multiple instances of edge devices with the same type. See Load Do Action.

device-groupingIndicates that the edge server can take advantage of the device grouping feature. See the provision action in Device Do Action.


Indicates that the segment can manage schedules and scheduled events locally. When this capability is not declared, the CMS must manage the schedule within itself and activate the related jobs using a CMS-side scheduler.  See Schedule Services.
historyIndicates that a history of logged event records is supported and may be retrieved. See Events.

Indicates that pagination snapshots are supported for retrieval of logged event records. Resource-constrained edge servers may not be able to support snapshots. See Events.

Indicates support for LonTalk remote network interfaces, device routing type “rni”.
lon-routing-routerIndicates support for LonTalk routers, device routing type “rni”.
Indicates support for group objects with member lists that can contain devices, or items within devices, that use different edge protocols.



(Optional) Reports limitations to features supported with this edge server. Each limitation is reported as a resource name/limit pair, with resource names exactly as listed below, and the corresponding limit value as discussed with each resource below.

Some limitations are intrinsic and never change, or change only under the same conditions which could also cause a change to capabilities (such as an edge server's capabilities, that change whenever the controller is re-provisioned, repaired, replaced, or new firmware is loaded into it), some limitations may be configurable through a non-AIP interface and may change when the edge server resets.

Limitations do not change without publication of the corresponding About object.

The following limitations are defined. Note that these are in reference to IAP resources. For example, resources in reference to “groups” are in reference to “IAP group objects”, which may or may not have a direct relationship to edge protocol groups or groups exposed in the CMS.

devices                              N (where N represents the number of edge devices allowed.)
devices-per-groupN (where N represents the number of edge devices allowed per group.)
groupsN (where N represents the number of groups allowed.)

When discoverDevices is set to True, at least one of the protocol engines supports the discoverDevices action.  When discoverDevices is either missing or set to False, then that device does not support discovery. 

See Device Discovery for more information.

groups-per-deviceN (where N represents the number of groups that an edge device can be a member of.)

Supported edge protocols, such as:

Protocol      Description
lonLON and LON/IP (ISO/IEC 14908-1, EN 14908-7, and ANSI/CTA 709.7)
bacBACnet (ISO 16484-5)



(Optional) Provides a list of supported languages for localized diagnostics. See Localized Diagnostics.


List of component objects

(Optional) Edge servers report only components that can be individually updated or have been added, as might be the case with custom modules that you have added. Each component object provides the properties in the following table. The list of reported components may be empty, as might be the case with a monolithic edge server architecture.

The component object properties:

Field Name     Type       Description
nameString(Required) The component's name.
Example: “GLP Toolkit for Node.js”
descString(Optional) The component's description.
Example: "A toolkit of common services"
licenseString(Required) license reports a copyright notice, as shown, for proprietary software and licenses. Other components might report or refer to a different license, such as a URL to the MIT license if that component was governed by the MIT license.
Example: “Copyright (C) 2016 Acme Inc.”
manufacturerString(Required) The manufacturer's name.
Example: “Acme, Inc.”

(Optional) uuid contains an optional component identifier. When provided, this must be a version 4 UUID, according to IETF RFC 4122. Compatible values are for example available from

uuid can be used by an app that relies on close communication with a specialized user interface component or any other case where a component must be uniquely identifiable by some other component.

Example: d193ab8c-bd98-4931-876b-23f5723861e5
versionString(Optional) The version of the component.
Example: “1.02.034”
protocolProtocol limitation Object

The protocol limitations object contains limitation objects as described under limitations above, for each of the device protocols supported within the segment. This allows for the declaration of protocol-specific limitations.

The global limitations are compiled from the individual protocol limitations. For example, the global limitations.devices property reports the total number of devices supported across all protocols while the global limitations.devices-per-group reports the minimum number of devices within a group supported by any of the supported protocols.

Tools can explore global and protocol-specific limitations to prevent erroneous configurations and requests, but tools can also trust that any erroneous configuration or request yields an error.

The limitations declared in this manner are guidelines only. For example, system or edge protocol resource limitations may prevent the addition of a given device to a group, even though the group contains fewer then the declared devices-per-group limit.

{lon: {devices: 32768, …},



The timestamp of the most recent update for this object. All feedback channel objects include the mru property to provide a timestamp of the most recent update for that object.

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