Telegram transmission stops after a while

Telegram transmission stops after a while


I am having an application that receives and transmits radio telegrams. When I start the application it works ok, but after a while it stops transmitting telegrams. My source code is the following:


while (1) { CLR_WDT();   // Handle radio to uart traffic if (radio_getTelegram(&rTelIn, &pTelIn) == OK) { io_togDigital(ADIO_5); misc_radioToSerial(&rTelIn,&sTelOut); while (uart_sendTelegram(&sTelOut) != OK); }   // Handle uart to radio traffic if (uart_getTelegram(&sTelIn) == OK) { misc_serialToRadio(&sTelIn,&rTelOut); while (radio_sendTelegram(&rTelOut,&pTelOut) !=OK); } }


All Rx and Tx radio buffers shares the same memory resources. Currently there is no radio buffer dedicated to transmitting telegrams. This can lead to a situation that incoming telegrams will fill all available buffers, thus no buffer is left for transmitting a telegram. To avoid this situation you have to keep fetching telegrams from the buffer even when transmitting.

Correct Example:


void FetchTelegram() { // Handle radio to uart traffic if (radio_getTelegram(&rTelIn, &pTelIn) == OK) { io_togDigital(ADIO_5); misc_radioToSerial(&rTelIn,&sTelOut); while (uart_sendTelegram(&sTelOut) != OK); }   }   while (1) { CLR_WDT(); FetchTelegram();   // Handle uart to radio traffic if (uart_getTelegram(&sTelIn) == OK) { misc_serialToRadio(&sTelIn,&rTelOut); while (radio_sendTelegram(&rTelOut,&pTelOut) !=OK) { FetchTelegram() }; } }

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