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Remote CMS is available with


SmartServer 4.4 and higher.

Beginning with With SmartServer 34.54 and higher, you have the option of configuring your SmartServer system to run with a Local CMS or Remote CMS. The following figure is an example of the SmartServer CMS. See SmartServer CMS Overview and SmartServer CMS Widgets Index for more information.


You can use the SmartServer Local CMS to provision, manage, monitor, and control all your devices from a single CMS integrated with a single SmartServer.  With the Local CMS, you run the CMS on the SmartServer IoT Edge Server.  The edge devices may be any mix of BACnet, EnOcean, LON, and Modbus devices.  You can use the Local CMS integrated in the SmartServer, or you can create your own CMS using the IAP interfaces to the SmartServer.

You can use the SmartServer Remote CMS to provision, manage, monitor, and control devices provisioned onto multiple SmartServers using a single SmartServer Remote CMS.  With the Remote CMS, you run the CMS on a host computer that you provide separate from the SmartServers.  The edge devices may be any mix of BACnet, EnOcean, LON, and Modbus devices.  The Remote CMS gives you a single pane of glass to set up and operate your system across multiple SmartServers.  You can access the SmartServer Remote CMS from a web browser to communicate with the Remote CMS host, or you can create your own CMS using the IAP interfaces to the Remote CMS host.


Follow these steps to setup a Remote CMS (see and refer to Remote CMS Getting Started):

  1. Set up the Remote CMS host computer
  2. Install and start the Remote CMS

  3. Enable Remote CMS for each SmartServer

  4. Connect to the Remote CMS
  5. Manage licenses for the Remote CMS
