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For SmartServer 3.4 and higher, see Setting up the BACnet Channel


  1. Access the SmartServer IoT CMS by using the CMS tab on the Configuration UI, or by entering the URL https://[SmartServer IP address]/cms/#/login

  2. Go to the Devices Types widget and click the Import button ().

  3. Select the Viconics7200-V20.dtp from the Starter Kit archive → BACnet Channel → Viconics folder in the DROP FILE HERE area.

  4. Click IMPORT FILE.

    Notification messages will appear indicating that files are being uploaded and the CPU usage on the main CMS page will show increased activity. Once the files are finished loading, you will see the VT7200-1H1C-3 device type added to the Device Types widget. (Click  to close All information messages.)

  5. Click BACK on the Device Types widget.

  6. Go to the Devices widget, which will be used to add a BACnet device to the system. Take note of the device name and character cases that will be used in creating the device. 

  7. Click the Create button () on the Devices widget and add a device as shown in the figure below (leave the Context field empty):
    • Name: Tstat-01
    • Device categoryEdge Device

  8. Click NEXT.

  9. Set the following fields as shown in the figure below:
    • UID: 72008 (see note below)
    • Integration method: Manual assignment
    • Owner: SmartServer IoT
    • Driver: BACnet
    • Device type: VT7200-1H1C-3


      Note: The UID is determined as described in the Preparing the Viconics Thermostat section.  The thermostat was configured with the com address of 8.  See the following documentation from the Starter Kit archive → BACnet Channel → Viconics folder → Viconics VT7200 Tstat BACnet (PDF) shown below:

  10. Click SAVE.

  11. To provision the device, click the Action button () on the Devices widget for Tstat-01 device.

  12. Select the Provisioning and Deprovisioning a Device action.

    Within a few seconds, the Tstat-01 device fill changes from blue to green indicating that the device has be successfully provisioned. 


    Note: With SmartServer 2.8, the Devices widget Test feature is not supported for BACnet devices.


  1. On the Devices widget, click the Action button () for Tstat-01 device and select the View datapoints action.

    The Datapoint Browser widget appears.

    On the Datapoint Browser widget, you will see the current value for the datapoints that are defined in the 140_VT7200C5x00B.bacThis .bac file is contained in the Viconics7200-V20.dtp archive that was imported in the process of Creating BACnet Devices.

  2. The bottom switch, to the left of the Viconics thermostat, is connected to the BI:29 input.

    In the OFF position, the thermostat reports an Occupied state on the LCD display and the Datapoint Browser widget reports the value as false or(as shown above when the Datapoint Browser widget appears).

    In the ON position, the thermostat reports an Unoccupied state on the LCD display, and the Datapoint Browser widget will report the value as true or(as shown below). 


The 140_VT7200C5x00B.bac file used with the Starter Kit setup defines the driver-level interface that only exposes two datapoints. This BACnet XIF file is contained in the Viconics7200-V20.dtp archive that was imported in the process of Creating BACnet Devices.

You can use the provided Viconics integrators documentation to add more datapoints. This documentation can be found in the Starter Kit archive → BACnet Channel → Viconics folder → VT7200 Series User Interface Guide (PDF). 


  • If you have a defined device that references a type based on the existing BACnet XIF file, which calls out the Program_ID of 9B008C011E00FC04, should change the PID and rename the BACnet XIF file when you add, remove, or change datapoints.

  • To retain the Program_ID, first remove devices that use the device type referencing the Program_ID, and next, remove the device type that use the BACnet XIF file.

  • BACnet datapoint monitoring requires you to enable monitoring in the Datapoint Properties widget. If you add datapoints to the BACnet XIF file, define monitoring definitions in the Viconics7200-v20-dla.csv file. This DLA file is contained in the Viconics7200-V20.dtp archive that was imported in the process of Creating BACnet Devices.
