Backing up and Replacing a SmartServer (Release 3.5)
The CMS IMPORT/EXPORT button is available with SmartServer 3.5 and higher. For SmartServer releases with 2.7 update 1 and higher and prior to 3.5, the CMS import/export feature is available with the CMS Settings button.
For SmartServer 3.6 and higher, see Backing up and Restoring a SmartServer to Multiple Sites.
For SmartServer 3.4, see Backing Up and Replacing a SmartServer (Release 3.4).
For SmartServer 3.3 and prior releases, see Backing Up and Replacing a SmartServer (Release 3.3 and Prior).
Backup and restore operations are dependent on SmartServer hardware versions
Restore operations are dependent on the SmartServer software and hardware versions for the backup and restore SmartServers. Consequently, you cannot restore a system image on all new SmartServers.
For example, if you backup a SmartServer 3.26 on a dual core SmartServer, then you cannot restore it on a new quad core that uses a Dialog PMIC, which is only supported with SmartServer 3.3 and higher. Doing so could result in the new SmartServer becoming unusable and possibly unrecoverable.
Therefore, only back up the settings and database (not the system) on the old SmartServer, and then on the new Dialog PMIC hardware, install SmartServer 3.3 or higher, and then restore the settings and database.
You can restore a system backup onto a new SmartServer in the event of a SmartServer hardware failure. To do so, you must first create a system backup. A full restore overwrites the new SmartServer's serial number, host name, MAC addresses, install code, segment ID (SID), and apollo password. With this process, the new SmartServer will have an identical image to the backed-up image. The procedures in this section describe how to back up and replace a SmartServer IoT, as well as to verify operations.
A clone restore preserves the new SmartServer's serial number, host name, MAC addresses, and install code, but changes the apollo password and SID. You cannot clone a target SmartServer with the same backup file more than once; however, if you re-image the SmartServer, then you can perform another clone. In addition, you cannot put two SmartServer clones on the same network. For a clone restore, see Backing up and Restoring a SmartServer to Multiple Sites for more information.
This section consists of the following:
Backing Up the SmartServer System
In order to restore a system backup onto a new SmartServer, you must first create a system backup. To do so, perform the following steps:
Take note of all the physical connections on the old SmartServer. You will need to establish these connections in the same way on the new SmartServer. For example, if a U60 is inserted into the front left USB port on the old SmartServer, then it will need to be inserted into the front left USB port on the new SmartServer.
- Perform a full system backup using the Download option for Export Destination. See Backing up and Restoring the SmartServer. This download will be applied to the new SmartServer using the Upload to its SmartServer Manager.
After the backup is finished and downloaded, disconnect the Ethernet cable for the network connection used to connect to the SmartSupervisor.
- Remove all U60s from a replacement SmartServer.
- Replace the SmartServer from step 2 with the new SmartServer from step 3.
- Insert the U60s into the new SmartServer.
Continuing with the Restoring the SmartServer System section below.
Restoring the SmartServer System
Once you have completed the backup process, you can perform a full restore of the SmartServer system, which overwrites the new SmartServer's serial number, host name, MAC IDs, and install code, SID, and apollo password. To do so, perform the following steps:
- Save the apollo password for any backed-up SmartServer system image. If you restore a system image onto a new SmartServer, then the new SmartServer will have its password changed to the old SmartServer's password (from the backup image file).
- Remove power from the new SmartServer.
Remove the SD Card from the SmartServer.
Insert your SD Card with the backup image to be restored into the SmartServer.
- Click the Import/Export button (
The Import/Export dialog appears.
Single SmartServer
Multiple SmartServers ) located on the SmartServer app bar. - Verify, or select the SmartServers (if multiple), to be used for the restore.
- Select the Import Source (i.e, Upload to upload a backup file from your PC or Local Storage to retrieve a backup file from a directory on the SmartServer).
- If you selected Local Storage as the Import Source, set or verify Backup Location.
- If you selected Local Storage as the Import Source, select the full system backup file to be imported from the pulldown list.
Or, if you selected Upload as the Import Source, select the full system backup file from your PC and place it into the Drop files to import area, or use the browse feature to navigate to the backup file on your PC. - Verify that the Restore Original Segment ID option is enabled (default).
- Click IMPORT.
An indicator will appear showing that the restore is in progress. You will not be able to access the CMS during the system restore operation.
Continuing with the Verifying the SmartServer System section below.
Verifying the SmartServer System
Once you have restored a SmartServer system, you can verify its operations. To do so, perform the following steps:
- If you are using LON Independent Management Mode (IMM), verify LON IMM operations by following these steps:
- Using the IzoT Commissioning Tool or other tool, open the drawing:
Example IzoT CT Drawing- Open the IP-852 Configuration Server, click on the Channel menu bar at the top of the screen and select Update Members.
Make sure that the PC and the SmartServer are green after the update members routine. - Replace the SmartServer IP-852 router and its native LON routers.
- Open the IP-852 Configuration Server, click on the Channel menu bar at the top of the screen and select Update Members.
- Right-click each router and device shape, click Manage, and then click Test.
If not working, reprovision the SmartServer IP-852 router and its native LON routers, and repeat the test.
- Using the IzoT Commissioning Tool or other tool, open the drawing:
- Test the SmartServer (see Testing Devices and Managing Datapoints) using the Devices widget.
- Test an edge device (see Testing Devices and Managing Datapoints) using the Devices widget.