KB1335 - HOWTO: Change an LNS Property
Displaying and Changing an LNS Property using the LNS Object Browser
You can display LNS property values in the Details pane. Property values are formatted based on their data type. Numeric values are displayed with their literal correspondents if available. For example the AppDevice.State property will be displayed as "lcaStateCnfgOnline(4)". To see the full list of literal constants, open the Tools menu and click Constants Browser.
To change the value of an LNS property for an object that does not reference another object, follow these steps:
If you haven’t already enabled modifications, open the Options menu and click Allow Modifications, or press F8.
Double-click the object in the folder pane.
Double-click the property name in the Details pane. A dialog opens displaying the old value or values and prompting you for the new value or values for the property. Fill in the new values and click Ok.
To change the value of an LNS property for an object that references another object, follow these steps:
If you haven’t already enabled modifications, open the Options menu and click Allow Modifications, or press F8.
Right-click the object containing the property in the folder pane.
Click the property name in the shortcut menu. The shortcut menu lists all methods and properties that reference objects. A dialog opens displaying the old value or values and prompting you for the new value or values for the property. Fill in the new values and click Ok
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