IzoT CT and LonMaker

IzoT Commissioning Tool (IzoT CT) is the latest LonMaker type network Integration tool. OpenLNS CT is the first release of IzoT CT.

Only IzoT CT is upgraded to work with newer Windows Operating Systems.


Product migration:

LonMaker (oldest) → LonMaker Turbo → OpenLNS CT → IzoT CT (current and latest product)

OpenLNS CT was the first version of IzoT CT. Unless there is a good reason, only IzoT CT should be used and not OpenLNS CT.

The replacement product for LonMaker is IzoT CT.

IzoT CT or LonMaker databases can only be restored on the same version of IzoT CT/LonMaker or on a newer version, but can not be restored on older versions of the product.

Backup Restore examples:

  1. Backed up LonMaker network databases can be restored on IzoT CT

  2. IzoT CT backed up network databases can not be restored on LonMaker PCs

  3. OpenLNS CT or IzoT CT 4.4 database can be restored on a IzoT CT 4.5 PC

  4. IzoT CT 4.5 database can not be restored on LonMaker, OpenLNS CT or IzoT CT 4.4.

All new projects should only be using IzoT CT (latest version of IzoT CT).

Popular Knowledge Base (KB) Articles and links

KB1346 - Starting point for IzoT CT installation Issues

Knowledge Base (KB) Articles