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LON is supported with SmartServer Pi 4.3 and higher with the exception of LON PL.


  • Manually – to add EnOcean devices manually, follow these steps:
    1. Add an EnOcean interface to your Smartserver.
    2. Create an EnOcean XIF file (.eno for local mode or .iotc for remote mode). See (Optional) Creating a Local EnOcean Device Interface (XIF) Definition or (Optional) Creating a Remote EnOcean Device Interface (XIF) Definition.
    3. Import the eno file into the SmartServer. See the Importing a Device Type section in Defining Device Types for more information.
    4. Manually add the devices using the SmartServer CMS Devices widget. See Creating Devices below.

  • Device Discovery – The SmartServer can be setup to discover EnOcean devices. To add EnOcean devices using device discovery, follow these steps:
    1. Add an EnOcean interface to your Smartserver. 
    2. Create an EnOcean XIF file (.eno for local mode or .iotc for remote mode). See (Optional) Creating a Local EnOcean Device Interface (XIF) Definition or (Optional) Creating a Remote EnOcean Device Interface (XIF) Definition.
    3. Import the .eno file for local mode or .iotc file for remote mode into the SmartServer. See the Importing a Device Type section in Defining Device Types for more information.
    4. Run device discovery. See Discovering Devices below.
      • For devices that have a teach-in switch – pressing this switch once causes the device to transmit a teach-in message, which is then received by the EnOcean driver. If an EnOcean XIF exists where the EEP matches the EEP in the message, then the device is discovered.

      • For devices that do not have a teach-in switch (e.g., the Rocker Switch) – these devices can be discovered during device discovery by rapidly pressing and releasing the switch within 2 seconds.

        The EnOcean driver discovery session ends when a period of 120 seconds elapses without any new devices being discovered. 120 seconds is the default, but this setting can be modified by changing the Discovery step callback timeout ms entry in the /var/apollo/conf.d/enocean/idl-enocean.conf system file for SmartServer IoT or /var/smartserver/conf.d/enocean/idl-enocean.conf system file for SmartServer Pi.


        If you discover remote EnOcean devices, removing them using the SmartServer Devices widget removes the devices from the remote server

LoRaWAN Devices

LoRaWAN devices are supported with SmartServer 4.0 and higher.

You can add LoRaWAN devices to the SmartServer using one of the following methods: 


  1. Define the device interfaces for the devices to be discovered as described in Collecting or Creating Device Definitions.

  2. For BACnet device discovery, enable BACnet using the BACnet Configuration page as described in Add a BACnet Interface.

  3. For LON device discovery, specify a LON domain ID to discover or enable automatic LON domain ID discovery if your LON network uses a one-byte domain ID as described in Add a LON Interface.

  4. Define CMS device types for the devices to be discovered as described in Defining Device Types.  Following are driver-specific notes for XIF and device type definition:

    • BACnet – if the SmartServer does not find a XIF definition for a discovered device, the SmartServer creates one automatically as described in Creating a BACnet Device Interface (XIF) Definition.
    • LON – if the SmartServer does not find a XIF definition for a discovered device, it will create the device in the SmartServer, but it will not be usable due to the missing XIF definition. 
    • Modbus – the SmartServer will only discover Modbus devices with a matching XIF definition that includes a marker for the XIF definition that the SmartServer uses to match the device to the XIF definition as described in Creating a Modbus Device Interface (XIF) Definition.

  5. Open the SmartServer IoT CMS, Devices widget. Click the Expand button ).  

  6. Click the Discover button ().

    When you click the Discover button, the SmartServer initiates discovery for BACnet, LON, and Modbus devices. The SmartServer adds each discovered device that is not already defined in the SmartServer, first identifying or creating a CMS device type as follows:

    • If the SmartServer discovers a program ID in the device, the CMS searches for a CMS device type using the discovered program ID.  If the SmartServer finds multiple CMS device types with the same program ID, the SmartServer uses the first one found with a the default property set to true, and if there are no default device types the SmartServer uses the first device type found with the matching program ID.
    • If there is no matching CMS device type but there is an XIF file with a matching program ID, the SmartServer creates a CMS device type for the XIF file with the same name as the XIF file.
    • If there is no matching CMS device type or XIF, the SmartServer creates a CMS device type for the driver/program ID pair named <driverName>-<programID> and assigns it to the device. For example, if a device is discovered with a program ID of 9F:FF:FF:05:01:84:04:60, and there is no CMS device type or XIF file for the program ID, the CMS creates a new device type called LON-9F:FF:FF:05:01:84:04:60.

    Device discovery remains active from the time you start discovery until 3 minutes pass without a discovery event. 

    The SmartServer creates a name for each discovered device that is not already defined in the SmartServer using the following naming format: Discovered-<deviceType>-<installCode>-<instance>, where

    • <devicetype> is the CMS device type name assigned above
    • <installCode> is the last five hex digits of the unique ID
    • <instance> is the instance number for this device type/install code pair (ordinal starting at 1 for each CMS device type/install code and increments forever without re-use for each CMS device type/install code)

    For example, if three devices are discovered for the LON-9F:FF:FF:05:01:84:04:60 device type with unique IDs ending in 07F07, 07F08, and 07F09, then the three devices will be named:

    • LON-9F:FF:FF:05:01:84:04:60-07F07-1
    • LON-9F:FF:FF:05:01:84:04:60-07F08-1
    • LON-9F:FF:FF:05:01:84:04:60-07F09-1

  7. For LON, you can optionally press a service button on a device in the domain to be discovered. The LON driver will wait for a service message that is generated by the pressing of a service button. Next, the LON driver will read the domain index 0 configuration at the unique ID that is included in the service message, and if a domain is configured for domain index 0, then the LON driver will assign the configured domain ID as the LON domain ID to be discovered.

  8. For EnOcean devices that have a teach-in switch, pressing this switch once causes the device to transmit a teach-in message, which is then received by the EnOcean driver. If an EnOcean XIF exists where the EEP matches the EEP in the message, then the device is discovered. For EnOcean devices that do not have a teach-in switch (e.g., the Rocker Switch), rapidly pressing and releasing the switch within 2 seconds causes these devices to be discovered. 

  9. Once the device discovery is completed, provision the devices using the CMS Devices widget as described in Provisioning, Deprovisioning, and Replacing Devices.


  1. Open the SmartServer IoT CMS, Devices widget. Click the Expand button (  ).  

  2. Click the Create button ().

    The Create Edge Devices view appears.

  3. Enter the device parameters as appropriate, including:
    • Name
    • Context – provides a digital representation of the physical world entities in the system with SmartServer 2.8 and higher.
    • Select a method – Manual assignment or Guided discovery
      • For Manual assignment, you will need to select the driver type and device type, and define the UID.
      • For Guided discovery, press the service button for the LON device. The UID, driver type, and device type will be filled in through the guided discovery process.
    • Select a driver – BACnet, LON, Modbus, IAP, EnOcean (for local mode, available with SmartServer 4.0 and higher), LoRaWAN (available with SmartServer 4.0 and higher; beta for SmartServer 4.0 and 4.1), IoTC (for remote mode, available with SmartServer 4.3 and higher), or custom driver name
    • Select a type of device
    • UID


      Each Modbus device that is added in the CMS must have a unique identifier (device UID). The UID is defined when a Modbus device is created using the SmartServer CMS in one of the following ways:

      • Creating a single Modbus device
      • Bulk loading multiple Modbus devices
      • Importing devices from a file using a previously exported device CSV/DTD file 
      • Importing device type information using a previously exported DTP file from the Device Types widget (see Defining Device Types)

      • For Modbus RTU (RS-485) devices, this field uses the form <channel type>:<logical address>, where the <channel type> is always 01 and the <logical address> is an 8-bit station address. 
        • Example: Modbus RTU (RS-485) device at address 4, the UID is 01:4

      • For Modbus TCP devices, this field uses the form <channel type>:<IP address>[:<logical address>], where the <channel type> is 02 and the <IP address> is an IPV4 address. The 8-bit [:<logical address>] is optional for a Modbus TCP device and only required if the target Modbus TCP device also resides at a specific Modbus logical address at this IP address.

        With SmartServer release 3.5 and higher, you can optionally specify the TCP port to be used for a Modbus TCP device using the form<channel type>:<IP address>[:<port>] [:<logical address>], where the <channel type> is 03 and the <IP address> is an IPV4 address. The [:<port>] parameter is optional for a Modbus TCP device and is only required if the target Modbus TCP device uses a port other than the standard Modbus TCP port (502). The 8-bit [:<logical address>] is also optional for a Modbus TCP device and only required if the target Modbus TCP device also resides at a specific Modbus logical address at this IP address.

        • Examples:
          • Using the standard Modbus TCP port (502): Modbus TCP device at IP address with a logical address of 3, the UID is 02: 
          • Using a non-standard Modbus TCP port (1502): Modbus TCP device at IP address with a logical address of 3, the UID is 03:

      • For BACnet, this field defines the Device Instance Number (or Instance Number). Do not include leading zeros for this value.
        • Example: 130055

      • For EnOcean devices, the UID correlates to the EnOcean ID, which is typically printed on the device as a hexadecimal string. It may also be part of a QR code that is found on the device. Support for EnOcean devices requires SmartServer 4.0 or higher for local mode, and SmartServer 4.3 and higher for remote mode.
        • Example: 00000413D73E or 2ED05D without leading zeros

      • For LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network), the UID is typically a 16-character hexadecimal string. See (Optional) Creating a LoRaWAN Device Interface (XIF) Definition for more information about supported devicesSupport for LoRaWAN devices requires SmartServer 4.0 or higher.

    • Tags (optional) – key=value pairs that identify where the device/datapoint originated.

      With SmartServer 4.2 and higher, and for IDL-based drivers only (not LON), you can optionally add DBO device and datapoint tags to ev/data using the tag key prefix eit: , which indicates an event identification tag. This tag feature supports Haystack and Google DBO tags and should not be used with equal signs ( = ) or semicolons ( ; ).
      • Example:

        Devices widget example
        eit:Device Name = VALUE some device name

        IAP/MQ example of ev/data message, which also shows datapoint eit: tags defined as:
        KEY eit:DBO New Tag = VALUE some value
        eit:DBO DP Name = VALUE Power B

    • Description (optional) – optional description limited to 255 characters.

  4. Click SAVE.

    The new device appears on the Devices widget (e.g., DIO1 in the example below).

  5. Provision the devices using the CMS Devices widget as described in Provisioning, Deprovisioning, and Replacing Devices.


  1. Open the SmartServer IoT CMS, Devices widget. Click the Expand button (  ).  

  2. Click the Create button ().

    The Create Edge Devices view appears.

  3. In the Count field, enter the number of devices to be created, and in the From field, enter the starting device number. (The Name field changes to Name Prefix.)

  4. In the Name Prefix field, enter the prefix that is to be assigned to the name of device that is being created.

  5. Enter the device parameters as appropriate, including:
    • Context (optional) – provides a digital representation of the physical world entities in the system with SmartServer 2.8 and higher
    • Select a method – Manual assignment or Guided discovery
    • Select a driver – BACnet, EnOcean, LON, LoRaWAN, Modbus, IAP, IoTC, or custom driver name
    • Select a type of device
    • Tags (optional)
    • Description (optional)

  6. Click SAVE

    The new devices appear on the Devices widget (e.g., TEST2, TEST3, and TEST4 in the example below).


  1. Open the SmartServer IoT CMS.  

  2. Click the Import / Export button () on the main CMS dashboard.

    The Import / Export dialog appears.

  3. Select the device definitions CSV file to be imported and place it in the Drop Files to Import area.

  4. Click IMPORT.

    Notification messages will appear (similar to the one shown below) indicating that devices are being uploaded and the CPU usage on the main CMS page will show increased activity. 

  5. When the device definitions CSV file has finished loading, click CANCEL to close the Import / Export dialog. 

    The new device(s) will appear in the Devices widget in an unprovisioned (blue) state. 

    Image Modified

  6. Provision the device(s) using the CMS Devices widget as described in Provisioning, Deprovisioning, and Replacing Devices.


Assigning a Device to a Context

With SmartServer 2.8 and higher, devices can be assigned to a context. A context provides a digital representation of the physical world entities in the system. Devices that are not assigned to a context appear with a yellow indicator on the device image . To assign a device to a context, perform the following steps:
