Testing Devices (Release 3.3 and Prior)

Testing Devices (Release 3.3 and Prior)

The Datapoint Browser widget is available with SmartServer 2.5 and higher.

For SmartServer 3.4 and higher, see Testing Devices and Managing Datapoints

The SmartServer IoT provides the ability to create, edit, and remove devices, as well as to provision and deprovision them. The ability to import devices, device type files, and export devices is also available. These features are available through the Devices widget.

You can also display datapoints and view datapoint information based on user permissions. This information can be viewed on the Datapoint Browser widget. 

Users without Administrator or Owner roles have read-only access to the datapoints that they have permission to view. Users with Administrator or Owner roles can also modify datapoints where they have the Administrator or Owner roles. 

Note: To best view all of the information on this widget, click the Expand button (  ). 

This section consists of the following:

Identifying and Testing a Device

You can use the following commands to identify and test a provisioned device using the Devices widget:

  • Wink – sends a command to the device to perform a device-specific identification operation such as blinking a light on the device.  If the device supports winking, the device documentation for the device will specify how the device responds to a wink request.

  • Test – sends a command to the device to test communication with the device and report key operational statistics for the device.
  1. To perform these verification routines, click the Action button () on the Devices widget and select the Wink or Test action.

    The Test results appear.

  2. To set up another test, scroll down and use the Count slider to on the Test dialog box to set how many times the test will be performed, and then click START.

    An example of the Test results are shown below.

  3. Scroll to the bottom to view all of the results if needed.

  4. Click CLOSE to exit testing, or set up another test and then click START.

Resetting a Device

  1. To reset a device, select the desired device on the Devices widget.

    A checkmark will appear.

  2. Click the Action button () on the Devices widget and select the Reset action.

  3. Click the device to deselect it and remove the checkmark.

Displaying Device Information

Device State Colors

The SmartServer CMS uses colors to differentiate device states:

  •  Purple represents unlicensed devices. Operations that require communication with a physical device (such as provisioning, reading datapoints, and writing datapoints) will be disabled for unlicensed devicesOperations that do not require device communication (such as creating devices, defining datapoint properties, defining connections, defining BACnet Server configuration, setting up schedules, and defining sequences) will be enabled for both licensed and unlicensed devices. If the device capacity is increased by the addition of a new capacity license, then unlicensed devices will be changed to a licensed device status up to the number of licensed devices enabled by the new device capacity. License management is available with SmartServer 3.3 and higher. See Manage Licenses for more information. 

  •  Blue represents devices that are deprovisioned.

  •  Blue with green spinner represents devices that are being provisioned.

  •  Green represents devices that are provisioned.

  •  Green with red ring represents devices with marginal health status indicating that a failure was reported by the device, typically during provisioning (i.e., the device could be reached but it would not provision due to an error unrelated to communication). For drivers that implement marginal state, this device state is available with SmartServer 3.2.

  • Yellow represents provisioned devices that are not communicating (suspect state).

  •  Rerepresents provisioned devices that are down.

  •  Light grey represents devices in a pending or failed XIF/creation state.
    • Pending creation state is represented with a temporary light grey color that indicates device creation is in progress and then transitions to blue when the device is loaded. Device creation time will vary depending on the complexity of the devices and the load, but typically finishes within a few minutes.
    • Failed XIF state is represented by a permanent light grey color. In this case, a yellow banner notification will appear at the time of XIF import reporting a problem (requires that notifications are enabled, see Setting Notifications in the Customize Your CMS Dashboard section). 
    • Failed creation state is also represented by a permanent light grey color. This state can be resolved by deleting and re-creating the device.

  •  Dark grey represents devices in a pending delete state.

Device Selection Visual Reset

Following a SmartServer IoT upgrade or re-image, if the Devices widget displays a "globe" device selection visual as shown below, you will need to clear the web browser data. The appearance of this device visual is due to cached data from the previous version. 

For information on how to clear cached data, refer to the links below:

Showing the Device on the Map

  1. To show a device on the map, open the Devices widget.

  2. Click the Action button () on  for the desired device and select the Show on Map action.

The device will appear on the Map widget (a floor plan in the example below). If the Map widget is not already displayed on the dashboard, a prompt will appear to confirm opening the Map widget.

Showing Device Properties

  1. To show device properties, open the Devices widget.

  2. Click the Action button () and select the Show Devices Properties action.

    A table with all of the devices and their properties is displayed.

    Note: To best view all of the information, click the Expand button (  ). 

          For LON and Modbus devices, the following properties may be displayed:

    • Device ID

    • Device Type

    • Protocol (LON, Modbus, or CM)

    • Channel Type (FT, PL, RS-485, TP-1250, IP-70, IP-852, or RF-900)

    • Geozone

    • Geozone ID

    • Asset Tag

    • Description

    • Installation Date

    • Removal Date

    • Application Type ID (program ID for LON devices)

    For LON PL devices implementing the OLC profile (including the CPD 3000 and CLP 4000), the following additional properties may be displayed:

    • Fixture Manufacturer
    • Fixture Model
    • Lamp Type

    • Pole Type

    • Light Distribution Type

    • Rated Life Hours

    • Pre Install Wattage

    • Post Install Wattage

    • Utility Account No

    • Utility Rate

  3. Click BACK to return to the list of devices.

Showing Device Datapoints

Showing device datapoints displays the following information on the Devices widget:

  • Device Name
  • Segment Controller Name
  • Connection
  • State
  • Last RTSM
  • Health
  • Actual Latitude
  • Actual Longitude
  • Configured Latitude
  • Configured Longitude
  1. To show device datapoints, open the Devices widget.

  2. Click the Action button () and select the Show Devices Datapoints action.

    The device datapoints are displayed.

  3. Use the scroll to view all of the device datapoint information.

    Note: To best view all of the information, click the Expand button (  ). 

  4. Click BACK to exit the datapoints display.

Viewing Device Datapoints

Viewing device datapoints from the Device widget redirects you to the Datapoint Browser widget, which displays the following information:

Note: The Datapoint Browser widget must already be enabled on the SmartServer CMS dashboard.

  • Device
  • Block name
  • Block index
  • Datapoint name
  • Value
  • Preset
  1. To use this feature, click the Action button () on the Devices widget.

  2. Select the View Datapoints action.

You are redirected to the Datapoint Browser widget. Refer to the Testing Devices section for more information.

Note: To best view all of the information, click the Expand button (  ). 

Managing the Datapoint Browser Display

Viewing / Hiding Detailed Properties

The Datapoint Browser widget display includes the following information:

The Datapoint Browser widget initially appears with live source and provisioned device status display for all devices. See the Customize the CMS Widgets using Filters section for information on how to set filters to customize this display.

  • Device – the device name

  • Block name the block name

  • Block index – the block index
  • Datapoint name – the datapoint name
  • Value – the value of the datapoint

  • Timestamp – the timestamp appears if log (not live) is specified for the source (source is specified using Set Filters)
  • Preset – represents a specific native for a datapoint
  • Actions – allow you to view value, edit value, export datapoint, view overrides, relinquish operations

Each heading has a Sort button. When clicked, the datapoint list is sorted in forward or reverse order by the selected heading.

To additionally view:

  • Datapoint XIF name

  • Qualified datapoint instance name

Click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Show Detailed Properties action. 

Detailed datapoint properties appear on the widget.

To hide, the detailed datapoint properties, click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Hide Detailed Properties action. 

The standard datapoint properties appear on the widget.

Viewing Selected Datapoints

  1. To view selected datapoints on the Datapoint Browser widget, click the checkmark for the device datapoints you wish to display.

    The checkmark changes from blue to yellow.

  2. Click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Show Selected Datapoints action.

    The selected datapoints appear.

    On-demand Polling

    You can set the Poll Interval (defaults to 30 seconds) from 0-999 seconds, and use the Update button () for on-demand datapoint polling located at the top right side of the display.

To return to the search results view, see Viewing Search Results.

Viewing Search Results

To view search results, click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Show Search Results action.

The complete datapoint results are displayed.

Adding Search Results to Selected Datapoints

The Datapoint Browser widget provides the ability to add search results to selected datapoints to further refine the datapoints display. 

To add search results to selected datapoints, perform the following steps:

  1. Use the Set Filter button () to display a particular set of datapoints on the Datapoint Browser widget.

    The Datapoint filter for nvoSpaceTemp is used for this example.

  2. Click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Add Search Results to Selected Datapoints action.

    The following dialog box appears:

  3. Click OK.

    The search results are added to the selected datapoints display. 

  4. Click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Show Selected Datapoints action to view these results.

    The selected datapoints view appear with the search results added to the display.

You may continue to refine your datapoints display or add results to Favorites for quick access in the future.

Removing Selected Datapoints

To remove selected datapoints, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the selected datapoints view.

  2. Select the datapoints what you wish to remove from the display.

    The checkmark changes from blue to yellow.

    Or, click the Select All button () to remove all datapoints.

  3. Click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Remove from Selected action, or click the Select All button () to remove all datapoints.

    The selected datapoints are removed from the display.

Managing Favorites

Creating Favorites

  1. To add selected datapoints to favorites using the Datapoint Browser widget, click the checkmark for the device datapoints you wish to save to favorites.

    The checkmark changes from blue to yellow.

  2. Click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Add Selected to Favorites action.

  3. Enter a name for favorites.

  4. Click SAVE.

The results can be viewed by selecting the Favorites action.

Viewing Favorites

  1. To view favorites, click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Favorites action.

    The Datapoints Browser: Favorites view appears.

  2. Click the favorite you wish to view from the list (BACnet in the example below).

    On-demand Polling

    You can set the Poll Interval (defaults to 30 seconds) from 0-999 seconds, and use the Update button () for on-demand datapoint polling located at the top right side of the display.

  3. Click the Action button () on the Datapoints Browser: Favorites view and select the Show Search Results action to return to the main Datapoint Browser widget view.

Removing Favorites

Removing Selected Favorites

  1. To remove a favorite, click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Favorites action.

  2. Click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser: Favorites view for the favorite you wish to remove and select the Remove Favorite  action.

    Or, select the favorite(s) you wish to remove (a checkmark appears). 

    Then, click the Action button () and select the Remove Selected Favorites action.

    A dialog box appears that requires you to confirm the delete operation.

  3. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

    The selected favorite(s) is removed from the list.

  4. Click BACK to return to the main Datapoint Browser widget view.

Removing All Favorites

  1. To remove all favorites, click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Favorites action.

  2. Click the Select All button ().

    A checkmark appears for each of the favorites listed in the view.

  3. Click the Action button () and select the Remove Selected Favorites action.

    A dialog box appears that requires you to confirm the delete operation.

  4. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

    All favorites are removed from the list.

  5. Click BACK to return to the main Datapoint Browser widget view.

Viewing Datapoint Values

  1. To view a datapoint value, click the Action button (on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the View Value action.

    The datapoint value is displayed.

  2. Click CANCEL to close the view.

Exporting Datapoints

Exporting a Datapoint

To export a datapoint, click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget for the desired datapoint and select the Export Datapoint action.

The datapoint is exported to a CSV file with a .data.csv extension.

Exporting Selected Datapoints

  1. To export multiple datapoints using the Datapoint Browser widget, click the checkmark for the datapoints you wish to export.

    The checkmark changes from blue to yellow.

  2. Click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Export Selected Datapoints action.

    The selected datapoints are exported to a CSV file with a .data.csv extension.

Exporting All Datapoints

To export all datapoints using the Datapoint Browser widget, click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget and select the Export All Datapoints action.

All the datapoints are exported to a CSV file with a .data.csv extension.

Managing Overrides

Regular datapoints support 16 optional override valuesone for each of 16 priorities numbered 1 to 16, where priority 1 is the highest and 16 is the lowest priority. A normal priority  is reserved for use with the normal value.

With SmartServer IoT release 2.8 or higher, the ability to view and relinquish overrides is available. Override values can be defined and relinquished, which renders them inactive and removes the previous value definition. The normal value cannot be deactivated or relinquished. 

For example: Consider a scenario where a light that is normally off (that is, normal value is OFF) is overridden such that its priority 8 value is ON. During its ON state, its priority 10 value is set to DIM, which has no immediate effect until the priority 8 value is relinquished. Without a priority 8 override, it drops to the priority 10 override and becomes DIM.  Relinquishing the priority 10 value causes the light to go back to its original normal OFF state.

To manage overrides, click the Action button () on the Datapoint Browser widget for the desired datapoint and select the View Overrides Relinquish action.

The View Overrides view for the selected datapoint appears.

On-demand Polling

You can set the Poll Interval (defaults to 30 seconds) from 0-999 seconds, and use the Update button () for on-demand datapoint polling located at the top right side of the display.

Click CANCEL to close this view and return to the Datapoint Browser widget.

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