Exporting and Importing SmartServer Configuration Files (Release 3.5)
The CMS IMPORT/EXPORT button is available with SmartServer 3.5 and higher. For SmartServer releases with 2.7 update 1 and higher and prior to 3.5, the CMS import/export feature is available with the CMS Settings button.
For SmartServer 3.6 and higher, see Exporting and Importing SmartServer Configuration Files.
For SmartServer 3.4, see Exporting and Importing a SmartServer Configuration (Release 3.4).
Backup and restore operations are dependent on SmartServer hardware versions
Restore operations are dependent on the SmartServer software and hardware versions for the backup and restore SmartServers. Consequently, you cannot restore a system image on all new SmartServers.
For example, if you backup a SmartServer 3.26 on a dual core SmartServer, then you cannot restore it on a new quad core that uses a Dialog PMIC, which is only supported with SmartServer 3.3 and higher. Doing so could result in the new SmartServer becoming unusable and possibly unrecoverable.
Therefore, only back up the settings and database (not the system) on the old SmartServer, and then on the new Dialog PMIC hardware, install SmartServer 3.3 or higher, and then restore the settings and database.
You can import and export configuration files using the SmartServer CMS Import/Export button () that is located on the SmartServer app bar, and an external file transfer tool such as WinSCP. You can import configuration files to define device types, device resources, device definitions, datapoint properties, datapoint connections, context definitions, favorites, Node-RED flow definitions, groups, and schedule definitions. You can export the same configuration files to replicate your SmartServer configuration on other SmartServers.
This topic consists of the following sections:
Configuration Import and Export Overview
The figure below is an example of the configuration files that you can export using the SmartServer CMS Import/Export button (CMS Export). You can edit the exported definition files to modify the configuration for your SmartServer or for other SmartServers. See Replicating a SmartServer with Individual Device Files for more information.
The tables below summarize the SmartServer configuration files that you can import and export using the Import/Export button () and an external file transfer tool such as WinSCP. Files can be exported in any order. To import files, follow the steps in the table below.
SmartServer 3.6 and Higher | ||||
Step | Data | Location | Tool | File Type |
1 | CMS Export | CMS Import/Export button ( ) | CMS | .zip |
2 | Internal Devices | /var/Apollo/www/apps | SCP | |
3 | Internal Device conf file | /etc/supervisor/conf.d | SCP | .conf |
4 | SmartServer Home Page | /var/apollo/www/user | SCP | .html |
5 | Custom Web Pages | /var/apollo/www/user (or other /var/Apollo/www folders) | SCP | |
6 | Custom Graphics | /var/apollo/www/images | SCP |
SmartServer 3.5 and Prior | ||||
Step | Data | Location | Tool | File Type |
1 | Device Types | Device Types widget | CMS | .dtp |
2 | BACnet XIF Files | /var/apollo/data/bacnetrouter/res | Export: SCP Import: CMS | .bac |
3 | CMS Export | CMS Import/Export button ( ) | CMS | .zip |
4 | Node-RED | Sequence flows | CMS | .json |
5 | Internal Devices | /var/Apollo/www/apps | SCP | |
6 | Internal Device conf file | /etc/supervisor/conf.d | SCP | .conf |
7 | SmartServer Home Page | /var/apollo/www/user | SCP | .html |
8 | Custom Web Pages | /var/apollo/www/user (or other /var/Apollo/www folders) | SCP | |
9 | Custom Graphics | /var/apollo/www/images | SCP |
Replicating a SmartServer with a CMS Export File
The sections that follow describe the necessary steps to replicate a SmartServer system configuration using the Import/Export button ( ).
- Exporting Device Types and SmartServer Files Using the Import/Export Button
- Resetting and Updating the SmartServer
- Configuring the SmartServer
- Importing Device Types and SmartServer File Using the Import/Export Button
Exporting Device Types and SmartServer Files Using the Import/Export Button
You can use the CMS Import/Export button ( ) → EXPORT tab to export the configuration from a SmartServer and make any modifications, if necessary. You can then import some or all of the files to your SmartServer.
With SmartServer 3.6 and higher, you can export device types using the CMS Import/Export button ( ) → EXPORT tab → Settings options. The device types (.dtp file) is included in the CMS Settings Export. With SmartServer 4.1 (Beta) and higher, BTM files are also included in the .dtp file export.
With SmartServer 3.5 and prior, you can export device types using the Device Types widget. See the Defining Device Types section for more information and then continue with the steps below to export a SmartServer configuration.
To export a SmartServer configuration, perform the following steps:
- Open the SmartServer CMS.
- Create a backup of the configuration files by following the steps for Backing Up the Database and/or Settings, or System in the Backing up and Restoring the SmartServer section, selecting the Settings option as your Export Contents.
When the backup is finished, a zip file containing the SmartServer configuration files is created and stored on your PC/SmartServer. - Make any necessary modifications to the configuration files.
Continue the SmartServer configuration replication process following the steps in the Resetting and Updating the SmartServer section below.
Resetting and Updating the SmartServer
You can reset the SmartServer to system defaults using the System Configuration page. You can then update the SmartServer software as appropriate for your system. To do so, perform the following steps:
- See the Resetting the System to Defaults Using the Configuration Page in the Resetting the SmartServer IoT to Factory Defaults section for more information on how to reset the SmartServer.
- See the Updating or Re-imaging the SmartServer IoT section for more information and update procedures.
Continue the SmartServer configuration replication process following the steps in the Configuring the SmartServer section below.
Configuring the SmartServer
You can configure the SmartServer as appropriate for your system application. To configure the SmartServer, perform the following steps:
Configure your SmartServer system using the Configuration pages. See the Configure Your SmartServer section for more information.
- If you are using the SmartServer Starter Kit, refer to the SmartServer IoT Starter Kit User's Guide for more information on how to set up the network configuration as well as Modbus and BACnet devices. Otherwise, skip this step.
- If you have any Modbus RTU devices, then you need to configure the RS-485 Configuration page. See (Optional) Add a Modbus RTU Interface for more information on Modbus RTU setup. Otherwise, skip this step.
- If you have any BAC files (used for BACnet devices), then you need to configure the BACnet Configuration page. See Add a BACnet Interface for more information on BACnet setup. Otherwise, skip this step.
- If you are using Custom Web pages, you may also need to rename login1.html to login.html.
Continue the SmartServer configuration replication process following the steps in the Importing Device Types and SmartServer Files Using the Import/Export Button section below.
Importing Device Types and SmartServer Files Using the Import/Export Button
You can import device types and SmartServer files using the CMS Import/Export button ( )→ IMPORT tab.
With SmartServer 3.6 and higher, the device types (.dtp file) is included in the CMS Settings Export. With SmartServer 4.1 (Beta) and higher, BTM files are also included in the .dtp file export.
With SmartServer 3.6 and prior, you can also use the Import Device Types button () on the Device Types widget to load the .dtp file.
To import the SmartServer configuration, perform the following steps:
- Follow the steps for Restoring the Database and/or Settings, or System in the Backing up and Restoring the SmartServer section, selecting the Settings backup file that was previously created in the Exporting SmartServer Files Using the Import/Export Button section as the Backup File.
An indicator will appear showing that the restore is in progress. You will not be able to use the CMS for a few moments until the settings restore is completed. If you reset your system to defaults or re-imaged the SmartServer software, and you are using the VAV controller (VAV sim device) with the SmartServer Starter Kit and Node-RED, you also need to import the following files from the Lon Channel.dtp.zip (available from the Starter Kit archive → LON Channel folder) in the order shown below:
- nvs.xml
- envms.xml
- cps.xml
- fps.xml
- VAV_sim.XIF
- VAV_sim.APB
- If you imported Node-RED flows with the CMS Import, you may need to change your dashboard themes. See Creating Sequence of Operations and SmartServer IoT Node-RED Tutorial for more information.
- Click CANCEL to close the Import/Export dialog once the restore is completed.
Continue your SmartServer setup by provisioning devices and importing any other necessary files.
Replicating a SmartServer with Individual Device Files
You can replicate a SmartServer with individual device files if you have have not exported your SmartServer configuration using the Import/Export button ( ). For SmartServer 3.6 and prior, you can also use the Import Device Types button () on the Device Types widget to load the DTP file.
To replicate a SmartServer with individual device files, perform the following steps:
- Export all device types from the Device Types widget to create a DeviceTypesArchive.dtp. See the Defining Device Types section for more information.
- Export all devices from the Devices widget. See the Discovering, Defining, or Importing Devices section for more information.
- Reset and update the SmartServer using the System Configuration page. See the Resetting and Updating the SmartServer section for more information.
- Configure the SmartServer using the Configuration pages. See the Configuring the SmartServer section for more information.
Import all device types (i.e., DeviceTypesArchive.dtp) using the Import/Export button ( ). See the Importing Device Types and SmartServer Files Using the Import/Export Button section above for more information.
If you reset your system to defaults or re-imaged the SmartServer software, and you are using the VAV controller (VAV sim device) with the SmartServer Starter Kit and Node-RED, you also need to import the following files from the Lon Channel.dtp.zip (available from the Starter Kit archive → LON Channel folder) in the order shown below:
- nvs.xml
- envms.xml
- cps.xml
- fps.xml
- VAV_sim.XIF
- VAV_sim.APB
If you are using BACnet BAC datapoint discovery files and you did not import a BAC file before running device discovery, the SmartServer automatically creates the BAC file. In this case, there will be a BAC file for each discovered device. You can add these device types (.dtp file) that were exported from the Device Types widget, or import them using the Import/Export button ( ). For SmartServer 3.6 and prior, you can also use the Import Device Types button () on the Device Types widget to load the DTP file.
- Import all devices from the Devices widget. See the Discovering, Defining, or Importing Devices section for more information.
- Continue your SmartServer setup by provisioning devices and importing any other necessary files.
- Import/Export button ( – see Exporting Device Types and SmartServer Files Using the Import/Export Button and Importing Device Types and SmartServer Files Using the Import/Export Button in this section )
- Device Types (Device Types widget) – see Defining Device Types
- Devices (Devices widget) – see Discovering, Defining, or Importing Devices
- Contexts (Planning widget) – see Defining and Using Contexts
- Node-RED Flows (Sequence widget) – see Creating Sequence of Operations and SmartServer IoT Node-RED Tutorial