Trend Log

Trend Log

The CMS data logging service is available to clients using the IAP/REST API. You can configure it using the Datapoint Properties widget and also access it through the BACnet client workstations using the SmartServer BACnet Server Trend Log object.

The BACnet Trend Log object is created for each datapoint instance index of the specified datapoint in BTM. The BTM file Trend Log column specifies whether the Trend Log object is needed.

The BACnet Trend Log object requires access to data log records where a data log contains historical data for a single datapoint. Each Trend Log object has its own data log with a unique data_log_id.

When a new Trend Log object is created, the CMS automatically enables monitoring and logging. 

URI Definition


URI and Fields

Creates the data log.
PUT/iap/log/data/{data_log_id}/state {Enabled}
Sets the current state to Enabled for the specified data log.

/iap/log/data/{data_log_id}/state {Disabled}

Sets the current state to Disabled for the specified data log.
iap/ldevTypes/{device_type}/if{block_name}/{block_index}/{datapoint_name}/dla/logInterval1 {value}

Updates the Log Interval value. 

You can only read (not modify) the values for Record Count and Total Record Count.



Gets the current state (Enabled or Disabled) of the data log.

/iap/devTypes/{deviceType}/if/{block_name}/{block_index}/{datapoint_name} /dla

Gets the poll interval of the specified datapoint.


                    id: 714
                    protocol: lon

                    deviceTypeName: 6kEvbMultiSensor

                    fullDpName: Switch/0/nvoSwitch

                    dpType: SNVT_switch

                    dpTypeRef: SNVT_switch

                    dpCategory: out

                    monitored: true

                    logged: true

                    alarmed: false

                    monitoringMethod: POLLED

                    pollInterval: 60

                    publishInterval: null

                    expectedUpdateInterval: null

                    publishMinDeltaTime: null

                    publishMinDeltaValue: null

                    initialValue: null

                    provisionInitialValue: null

                    logInterval1: 60

                    logInterval2: 60

                    logInterval3: 60

                    expectedLogInterval1: 60

                    expectedLogInterval2: 60

                    expectedLogInterval3: 60

                    logRetention1: 14

                    logRetention2: 60

                    logRetention3: 730

                    logMultiply1: 1

                    logMultiply2: 1

                    logMultiply3: 1

                    logMinDeltaTime: null

                    logMinDeltaValue: null

                    alarmTypeName: null

                    alarmDetails: null

                    highWarning: null

                    lowWarning: null

                    highAlarm: null

                    lowAlarm: null

                    localizedHighWarning: null

                    localizedLowWarning: null

                    localizedHighAlarm: null

                    localizedLowAlarm: null

                    visible: true

                    property: false

                    profilePrincipalMember: nvoValue

                    presets: null
                    localization: null
Gets the Log Interval value.
Gets the Total Count value.
Gets the Record Count value.

You can read the data log by position, by sequence number, or by time.

%3D%3E represents => 

%3D%3C represents =< 


By position (positive count)
GET /iap/log/data/{data_log_id}/records/+position%3D%3E{‘Reference Index’} &count=={‘Count’}
By position (negative count)
GET /iap/log/data/{data_log_id}/records/+position%3D%3C{‘Reference Index’’} &count=={‘Count’}
By sequence number (positive count)
GET /iap/log/data/{data_log_id}/records/+seqNum%3D%3E{‘Sequence Number’ }&count=={‘Count’}
By sequence number (negative count)
GET /iap/log/data/{data_log_id}/records/+seqNum%3D%3C{‘SequenceNumber’}&count=={‘Count’}
By time (positive count)
GET /iap/log/data/{data_log_id}/records/+timestamp%3D%3E{‘Reference Time’ }& count=={‘Count’}
By time (negative count)
GET /iap/log/data/{data_log_id}/records/+timestamp%3D%3C{‘Reference Time’)}& count=={‘Count’}