Datapoint Properties

Datapoint Properties

Datapoint properties describe attributes of a datapoint including a description, direction, property and read-only flags, and monitoring rate.

URI Definition


URI and Fields


/iap/devs/{id}/if/{block}/{block_index}/{datapoint_name}/[{prop_name} | *]

Returns the specified properties of the specified datapoints. If no properties are specified using "*", it returns all properties. The properties are described in Datapoints.

The optional path parameters for the id, block, block_index, and datapoint_name path elements are listed on the Path Parameters page.

The following list describes the optional path parameters for the prop_name path element of the Datapoint Properties endpoint:

Path Parameter                                                        


type={prop_type}Filters for properties with the specified property type.
value={prop_value}Filters for properties with the specified property value.



Updates the specified properties of the specified datapoints. The properties are described in Datapoints.

The optional path parameters for the id, block, block_index, and datapoint_name path elements are listed on the Path Parameters page.

The following list describes the optional path parameters for the prop_name path element of the Datapoint Properties endpoint:

Path Parameter                                                        


type={prop_type}Filters for properties with the specified property type.
value={prop_value}Filters for properties with the specified property value.


You can include queries with your IAP/REST request to specify a selection rule for your request.  As described in Queries and Parameters, you can specify a query as a query parameter  appended to the end of your URI preceded with a "?" character, or as a path parameter within a path element of the path component.

The optional path parameters for the id, block, block_index, and datapoint_name path elements are listed on the Path Parameters page.


The following APIs are for a datapoint within a submeter functional block implementing profile number 21.61:





Get all properties for a specific datapoint  PulseGen1/device/0/nviCount

GET /iap/devs/*+name==PulseGen1/if/device/0/nviCount/*



Note: values shows the override priorities and their value so "11":18 means Priority 11 has a value of 18