Managing Datapoint Categories

Managing Datapoint Categories

Datapoint categories are optional tags that you can use to filter datapoint lists.  For example, a set of datapoints to be monitored in a web page can be tagged with a unique category tag, and then all the datapoints for the page can be fetched with a single request specifying the unique category filter.  

(See Datapoint Categories in the API Reference for valid parameters and arguments.)

IAP/REST Operations

Returns the categories assigned to the specified datapoints. 

GET    /iap/devs/{id}/if/{block_type}/{block_handle}/{dp_name}/cat                                        

Adds one or more categories to a datapoint. The categories to be added are specified in the request data. Any categories that have already been added to the datapoint are ignored. 

PUT     /iap/devs/{id}/dp/{dp_name}/cat                                                                                          

Deletes one or more categories from a datapoint. The categories to be deleted are specified in the request data.
