IAP/REST API Reference
IAP/REST API Reference
The REST API communicates between the CMS front end and its back end using HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE data. It includes a Login Rest Service in order to authenticate the user in the CMS. A Customer Rest Service can be used to generate a customer key, add a new customer to the CMS, update an existing customer in the CMS, delete a customer from the CMS, get the collection of existing customers, and to return a customer that is associated with the current session.
The IAP REST API consists of the following REST resources.
- Access
- Alarms
- Authentication (Login/Logout)
- Capabilities
- Connection
- Context
- Customers
- Datapoint Categories
- Datapoint Default Values
- Datapoint Favorites
- Datapoint Logs
- Datapoint Monitor
- Datapoint Overrides
- Datapoint Override State
- Datapoint Override Value
- Datapoint Properties
- Datapoint Tags
- Datapoint Type
- Datapoint Value
- Device Capabilities
- Device Types
- Devices
- Diagnostics
- DLA Files
- Drivers
- Floorplans
- Geozone
- Groups
- Log Destination
- Log Events
- Log State
- Log Status
- On-Demand
- Permissions
- Presets
- Protocols
- Reports
- Roles
- Schedule Service
- SMTP Configuration
- Transformation Service
- Trend Log
- Users
- Version
- Zones