DLA Files

DLA Files

Provides a set of datapoint logging and alarming (DLA) rules according to specified filters, sorting, and paging.

URI Definition


URI and Fields



Returns the available datapoints and the DLA rules assigned to them.

XIFname vs Instance Name

  • The block path element uses the block XIFname. 

  • The datapoint_name path element uses the datapoint XIFname

Path Parameters

For a description of the available path parameters, see the path parameter tables under Query and Path Parameters below.

Query Parameters

includeUnconfigured Either True or False.  If True response will contain datapoints without configured DLA rules. 
pgPage number.
sortByField name.  
sortOrderEither ascending or descending.
szPage size.
visibleSpecifies whether to show visible or invisible datapoints. If omitted, all datapoints will be included.

Return Codes

200         Success.                                                                                                                                             

Returns the number of DLA rules available, based on the current filter.

XIFname vs Instance Name

  • The block path element uses the block XIFname. 

  • The datapoint_name path element uses the datapoint XIFname

Path Parameters

For a description of the available path parameters, see the path parameter tables under Query and Path Parameters below.

Query Parameters

includeUnconfigured Either True or False.  If True response will contain datapoints without configured DLA rules. 
visibleSpecifies whether to show visible or invisible datapoints. If omitted, all datapoints will be included.

Return Codes

200         Success.                                                                                                                                             

Returns all datapoints for copying properties from specified source datapoint.

Path Parameters

For a description of the available path parameters for device_type, see the device_type table under Query and Path Parameters below.

Query Parameters

Parameter                   Description                                                                                                      

(Required) Datapoint name must be the fully qualified name, including block name, index, and datapoint name.   

Example: fullDpName=lightsensor/2/nvovalue

Return Codes

200         Success.                                                                                                                                             

Returns the following json fields in the body.


Parameter                                       Description                                                                                              
totalMonitoringTrafficIndicator Events per second expected for the specified datapoints.
totalLoggedBytesNumber of bytes expected to be logged per year for the specified datapoints, not including overhead.
totalLogSizeNumber of bytes expected to be logged per year for the specified datapoints, including overhead.

Body Example:

  "totalMonitoringTrafficIndicator" : 20.1,
  "totalLoggedBytes" : 17.5,
  "totalLogSize" : 21.1

Return Codes

200         Success.                                                                                                                                            



Updates one or more existing DLA rules, or create one or more new DLA rules.   

Body Example:

      "id": 1, 
      "protocol": "lon",
      "deviceTypeName": "LHp_5k6",
      "fullDpName": "device/0/nvoEPpos",
      "polled": true,
      "pollInterval": "60",
      "publishInterval": 120,
      "publishMinDeltaTime": 0,
      "publishMinDeltaValue": "Any",
      "initialValue": null,
      "logInterval1": 15,
      "logInterval2": 60,
      "logInterval3": 1440,
      "logRetention1": 31,
      "logRetention2": 92,
      "logRetention3": 730,
      "logMinDeltaTime": 0,
      "logMinDeltaValue": "Always",
      "alarmName": "CustomAlarm_LHP5k6_Energy",
      "highWarning": 8,
      "lowWarning": 4,
      "highAlarm": 6,
      "lowAlarm": 3

Return Codes

204         Success.                                                                                                                                            

Clears the specified DLA rules.

Body Example:


Return Codes

204         Success.                                                                                                                                            

Clears all DLA rules, except those excluded.  Body contains list of DLA rule IDs to exclude.


Parameter                   Description                                                                                                                
exclude Specifies the DLA rules to exclude.

Body Example:


Return Codes

204         Success.                                                                                                                                            

Exports the specified DLA rules.

Body Example:


Return Codes

200         Success.                                                                                                                                            

Exports all DLA rules, except those excluded.  Body contains list of DLA rule IDs to exclude from the export operation.


Parameter                   Description                                                                                                               
exclude Specifies the DLA rules to exclude.

Body Example:


Return Codes

200         Success.                                                                                                                                            

Query and Path Parameters

You can include queries with your IAP/REST request to specify a selection rule for your request.  As described in Queries and Parameters, you can specify a query as a query parameter appended to the end of your URI preceded with a "?" character, or as a path parameter within a path element of the path component.

Path Parameters

The following path parameters can be used with this endpoint.


The following list describes the optional path parameters for the device_type path element of the DLA Files endpoint:

Path Parameter                 


filenameName of the file associated with device type
programIdSame value as type (Program ID value).

Filters for device types with the specified protocol.  Possible values are:

  • All
  • LON
  • Modbus
  • BACnet
  • IAP
typeNameFilters for device types with the specified type name.  Used if query *+... is not specified.
typeFilters for device types with the specified type.

Same as datapoint XIF name.


The following list describes the optional path parameters for the block path element of the DLA Files endpoint:

Path Parameter                    


typeFilters for blocks with the specified block type (profile).


The following list describes the optional path parameters for the block_index path element of the DLA Files endpoint:

Path Parameter            


indexFilters for block_indexes with the specified block index.


The following list describes the optional path parameters for the datapoint_name path element of the DLA Files endpoint:

Path Parameter             


dpNameFilters for DLA rules for datapoints with the specified instance name.
nameSame as datapoint instance name.
typeFilters for DLA rules for datapoints with the specified type name.
type.idFilters for DLA rules for datapoints with the specified type ID.
xifNameSame as datapoint XIF name.