Open the SmartServer CMS (Release 4.1 and Prior)

Open the SmartServer CMS (Release 4.1 and Prior)

For SmartServer 4.2 and higher, see Open the SmartServer IoT CMS.

After your initial setup, most of your interaction with the SmartServer will be through the SmartServer Central Management System (CMS). You will use the CMS to define device types, plan your sites, and to manage, monitor, and control your devices. You can access the CMS from any client with a web browser. 

There is also a video on the SmartServer Training Videos page that provides a tour of the SmartServer IoT CMS.   Click here for the CMS User Experience Tour video.

To open the SmartServer CMS, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your client can communicate with the SmartServer as described in Connecting through a LAN.

  2. Open a web browser (supported browsers are current versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge) and enter one of the following addresses to open the SmartServer CMS (prior to SmartServer 2.8 you had to specify port 8443; this is no longer required starting with SmartServer 2.8):

    Enhanced security

    If you re-imaged the SmartServer and enhanced security is enabled on your system, and your password does not meet the requirements, then you will be prompted to reset your password. The following message appears prompting you to change your password:

    (where SmartServer_IPaddress is the IP address of your SmartServer)

    (where nnnnnn is the SmartServer's install code. See Connecting through a LAN)

    You can also open the CMS from the SmartServer Configuration web page by clicking CMS in the top margin of the page, as shown in the following figure.

    The CMS opens in the browser allowing you to log in. 

    Avoiding Browser Security Warnings

    To avoid having browsers display a security warning when users access the CMS webpage or the SmartServer webpage, you can set up port forwarding for the SmartServer IoT and switch from using self-signed certificates. Another option to accomplish the same thing is to set up a CNAME record.

  3. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields. The default username is apollo and the default password is printed on the label on the bottom of the SmartServer. If you changed either the username or password, use the username and password you selected. Use the defaults if you did not change them.

    The default administrator username is admin (the admin password is the same as the apollo user password).

  4. Click LOGIN.

  5. If you are logging in to the SmartServer CMS for the first time, read the end-user licensing agreement and accept it if you agree.

  6. If your login credentials are verified, then the SmartServer CMS main page appears similar to the image shown below. For a description of the key parts of the SmartServer CMS main page, go to SmartServer CMS Overview.

    To customize your working environment, refer to the Customize Your CMS Dashboard section. 

    To log out of the SmartServer CMS, click the LOGOUT button () located at the bottom left of the page.

    License management with SmartServer 3.3 and higher

    For Owner user types running SmartServer 3.3 or higher, the CMS will verify the capacity license and automatically open the Manage Licenses dialog if the device capacity for any segment is zero, or is less than the available device capacity for the segment. You can close the Manage Licenses dialog without adding a license.

    The CMS will also verify that the currently running image is properly licensed. If it is not, the CMS will 1) change the device capacity to zero (the device capacity will remain at zero if you add more device capacity), 2) display the error message "This image requires an active maintenance license for installation. Add a new maintenance license to extend the maintenance period for this SmartServer.", and 3) open the Manage Licenses dialog allowing you to view the configured licenses and add a new maintenance license.

    See Manage Licenses for more information.

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