Customize Your CMS Dashboard (Release 3.4)

Customize Your CMS Dashboard (Release 3.4)

For SmartServer 3.6 and higher, see Customize Your CMS Dashboard

For SmartServer 3.5, see Customize Your CMS Dashboard (Release 3.5).

For SmartServer 3.3 and prior releases, see Customize Your CMS Dashboard (Release 3.3 and Prior)

You can interact with the SmartServer CMS using a CMS dashboard. Each CMS dashboard is a collection of widgets, where a widget is a view of specific SmartServer resources and services. Resources include device types, devices, datapoints, and datapoint properties. Services include scheduling and alarming. You can create multiple dashboards to have different views of the SmartServer depending on your intended use of the SmartServer. For example, you can create an Integration dashboard that you use while integrating the devices on your site, and you can create an Operation dashboard to use while operating your site. 

The following sections describe how you can create, edit, and customize CMS dashboards:

Using Edit Mode

Enabling Edit Mode

Edit mode provides the ability to set up and customize the SmartServer CMS user interface. When enabled, it allows you to create, remove, or rename dashboards, as well as to add, remove, move, and resize widgets. All interactions with widget functionality are blocked to prevent unintended actions.

To customize the dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Settings button () located on the SmartServer app bar.

    A dropdown menu appears.

  2. Select the Edit action. Doing so enables widget selection on the left side of the dashboard and disables the dashboard widget functionality.

  3. Customize the dashboard as appropriate for your needs by selecting the checkboxes for the widgets to be displayed on the dashboard.

  4. When you are finished making the selections, disable edit mode by clicking the Settings button () and selecting the Edit action. Doing so re-enables the widget functions you selected for your dashboard.

Disabling Edit Mode

To disable edit mode, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Settings button () located on the SmartServer app bar.

    A dropdown menu appears.

  2. Select the Edit action.

    The dashboard functionality resumes.

Modifying the Dashboard

The dashboard is a unit of the SmartServer CMS user interface that provides a set of properly organized widgets. You can create, rename, or remove dashboards in edit mode. 

Creating a Dashboard

To create a dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Enable edit mode by clicking the Settings button () located on the SmartServer app bar.

    A dropdown menu appears.

  2. Select the Edit action.

    Doing so enables widget selection on the left side of the dashboard and disables the dashboard widget functionality.

  3. Click the Create Dashboard button ().

  4. Customize the dashboard widgets by selecting the appropriate widget checkboxes for your needs.

  5. In the NEW DASHBOARD field, enter a name for the dashboard (e.g., OPERATION in this example).

  6. Disable edit mode by clicking the Settings button () and selecting the Edit action.

    The dashboard functionality resumes.

Removing a Dashboard

To remove a dashboard, perform the following steps:

Note: If you have multiple dashboards and remove the last one, a default dashboard will be displayed.
  1. Enable edit mode by clicking the Settings button () located on the SmartServer app bar.

    A dropdown menu appears.

  2. Select the Edit action.

    Doing so enables widget selection on the left side of the dashboard and disables the dashboard widget functionality.

  3. Click the Close Dashboard button () that appears next to the name of the dashboard that is to be removed.

    The selected dashboard is removed.

    Disable edit mode to resume dashboard widget functions by clicking the Settings button (