KB1470 - SmartServer Product Information


The SmartServer has three hardware platforms:

  • SmartServer IoT

  • SmartServer Software

  • SmartServer Remote CMS

The SmartServer IoT is the replacement product for legacy i.LON or older SmartServer products (includes i.LON SmartServer, SmartServer 2, iLON 100, i.LON 600, i.LON 700, MPR-50, LPR-10 and LPR-12), see SmartServer FAQ. For legacy SmartServer type products see Archived Software Downloads, Archived Documentation and KB930 - Web Browsers Support.


Popular Knowledge Base (KB) Articles and links

SmartServer Troubleshooting Guide


Current Documentation for the current version of SmartServer

SmartServer 101 is a good starting point to learn about the SmartServer

Documentation (Archived) for older SmartServer software versions

Software Downloads

Using the SmartServer LEDs and Buttons

KB930 - Web Browsers Support

SmartServer Knowledge Base articles

 Related Products

  • SmartServer IoT

  • SmartServer Pi

  • SmartServer Remote CMS