EnOcean Equipment Profiles (EEP)
EnOcean radio systems encode the data using so called EEP (EnOcean Equipment Profile). Each transmitter might choose one (or sometimes several) EEP for data transmission depending on the type of transmitted data.
EnOcean Equipment Profiles (EEP) are identified using three fields:
R-ORG identifies the high-level telegram type, e.g. rocker switch telegram, four-byte sensor telegram, variable length telegram etc.FUNCTION
FUNCTION identifies the function group to which this telegram belongs, e.g. the function group of temperature sensors within the four-byte sensor telegram typeVARIANT
VARIANT identifies the exact sensor variant within the function group, e.g. a 0 °C – 40 °C temperature sensor that is defined within the function group of temperature sensors
The full EEP identifier for devices using VLD and 4BS EEP is only transmitted dedicated telegrams, the so-called within teach-in telegrams. Subsequent data telegrams from the same device using the same R-ORG (VLD or 4BS) are assumed to use the FUNCTION and VARIANT values that were communicated in the teach-in telegram.
EnOcean Alliance provides an online viewer for all defined EEP.