Internal LON Device Application in Node.js

If you have followed the steps leading to this page, you have prepared a demonstration network with the resources in place to continue with the following code walk-through. This network has one FT 6050 EVB board running a simulated Discharge Air Controller, and one or more simulated VAV controllers running on other EVB targets. The application that will be created here monitors the cooling demand of the simulated VAVs, and uses this information to determine the optimal discharge air duct static pressure setpoint. 

The following is a summary of the completed steps up to this point:

  1. You have used the IzoT Resource File Editor and understand Network variable types, configuration properties, and how these resources are used to build profiles.  Using this tool, you made a copy of a resource fileset to modify and explore using a different manufacture ID.

  2. You used the Resource File Editor to create a user-defined type and used this type in a functional profile based on the SPFTsccVAV.

  3. You managed the version and completed the Resource file generation step.

  4. You used the Report Generation action in the IzoT Resource File Editor to produce XML reports for use by the SmartServer IoT.  In the CMS, you imported the resources provided in the example archive file using the Device Types widget.

  5. You used the Report Generation action to generate a resource report for consumption by the IzoT Interface Interpreter (iii.exe).

  6. You reviewed the syntax of IML in a small C source file used to define the device interface of a device that implements the UFPTDspSPcontorller, and ran the iii.exe application against this file to create the XIF file for this application.

  7. The SmartServer CMS was used to import device resources and XIF files to create device types that are used to define devices.

At this point, the target SmartServer has the ApolloDev resource files, and the XIF file needed for this application.  Next, you will build this application as a progression.

  1. The application will establish whether it has been defined in the system.  If not, it will create itself as lon.attach: "local", and allow the SmartServer to allocate the UID from the available pool for internal devices that are not currently in use.  See Internal Application Self Instantiation for more information.

  2. The application will add support for monitoring all VAV controller devices, and also monitoring updates to its own network variable interface to drive its control logic.  See Duct Static Pressure Setpoint Controller Full Example for more information.

Next Step

Go to Internal Application Self Instantiation.