IzoT Server

IzoT Server

The IzoT Server is a Web application server for IzoT networks. You can use the IzoT Server to connect IzoT devices to Web clients, providing users with local Web access to monitor and control the operation of communities of devices. The IzoT Server provides an easy-to-use RESTful API with a low-overhead but powerful interface for discovering devices, monitoring their data, and controlling them via network inputs.

The IzoT Server is included with the IzoT Router.  Source code for the IzoT Server is included with the IzoT SDK for porting to other platforms. To enable the IzoT Server on an IzoT Router, see Configuring the IzoT Server. To start the IzoT Server that has been ported to another Linux platform, enter izot_enablefrom the command line. This will start the server by default, and then it will run the izot_stat command, which will display the running tasks.

izot_enable takes an optional parameter, [prog], where prog is one of the values in the following table:

dioMulti DIO example
keypadKeypad example
ledLED Controller example
sensorEnvironment Sensor example
serverIzoT Server (default)

When a device is rebooted, or power-cycled, upon restart, the applications that were enabled will be restarted automatically.

To view the currently running applications, enter izot_stat.

An example of the output sent to the console from the izot_stat command is the following:

dio              STOPPED    Not started 
keypad           STOPPED    Not started 
led              STOPPED    Not started 
sensor           STOPPED    Not started 
server:api       RUNNING    pid 7365, uptime 0:30:00 
server:network   RUNNING    pid 7365, uptime 0:30:00

To stop any of the applications, enter izot_disable [prog], where prog is an optional parameter:

dioMulti DIO example
keypadKeypad example
ledLED Controller example
sensorEnvironment Sensor example
serverIzoT Server (default)

For a complete list of commands, see the command listing at IzoT SDK Tools.

The following topics describe how to configure the IzoT Server Stack, manage devices, datapoints, and users using the IzoT REST API provided by the IzoT Server Stack.

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