

This manual describes how to install, configure, and use the IzoT® Router, IzoT Server, IzoT CPM 4200 Wi-Fi EVK Evaluation and Development Kit, and the IzoT SDK 2 Software Development Kit. This manual consists of the following: 

The IzoT Router is a ready-to-run appliance for connecting IzoT and LON devices on an Ethernet channel with IzoT and LON devices on an FT channel, and for connecting Web pages and enterprise applications to IzoT and LON devices. The IzoT Router automatically forwards packets between the attached Ethernet LonTalk/IP-LAN (IP-70) channel and up to five LON FT channels, as well as an IP-852 channel. The IzoT Router comes with one built-in LonTalk/IP-LAN (IP-70) interface, one built-in IP-852 interface, and one built-in LON FT interface. You can add additional LON interfaces to the IzoT Router by plugging in up to four external U60 DIN FT Network Interface Modules. You can configure the FT interfaces to communicate with IzoT LonTalk/IP or classic LON ISO/IEC 14908-1 FT devices (FT 3120, FT 3150, Series 5000, and Series 6000, such as FT 6050). The IzoT Router has a LonTalk/IP-LAN (IP-70) backbone that allows the IzoT Router to communicate directly to devices and workstations based on the IzoT EX Stack, CPM 4200 Wi-Fi Module, or the IzoT Net Server. The IzoT Router is available with a BACnet router that allows BACnet/IP workstations and devices on the Ethernet LAN channel to communicate with BACnet/IP devices on the FT LON channels.

The IzoT Server is a Web application server for IzoT networks. You can use the IzoT Server to connect IzoT devices to Web clients, providing users with local Web access to monitor and control the operation of communities of devices. The IzoT Server provides an easy-to-use RESTful API with a low-overhead but powerful interface for discovering devices, monitoring their data, and controlling them via network inputs. The IzoT Server is included with the IzoT Router and the IzoT SDK.

The IzoT CPM 4200 Wi-Fi EVK is a hardware and software development kit for developing devices using IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi wireless communications that can communicate with wired and wireless devices based on the IzoT Platform. With the IzoT CPM 4200 Wi-FI EVK, you can use the IzoT Platform to create highly reliable communities of devices for the Industrial Internet of Things using the CPM 4200 Wi-Fi Module, and develop your applications using the C or C++ programming languages.

The IzoT SDK is a software development kit for the IzoT Platform. You can use the IzoT SDK to build custom apps for your custom IzoT devices, and you can also use the IzoT SDK to create apps for the IzoT Router. You can also use the IzoT SDK to implement an IzoT Server that provides a Web-based interface to a network. You can run the IzoT Server on your custom hardware, and you can run the IzoT Server on an IzoT Router. The IzoT SDK includes two stacks—the IzoT Device Stack EX and the IzoT Server Stack. The IzoT SDK includes source code for both stacks that you can port to the processor and operating system of your choice. Ready-to-run distributions of the IzoT SDK are available for a Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black to provide you with a quick start without any porting.

The IzoT SDK is available in the following editions:

  • Standard Edition — a complete software development kit for creating IzoT devices on Linux platforms. Source code is included for porting to different processors and operating systems. The source code includes source for the IzoT Device Stack EX, the IzoT Server Stack used to implement the IzoT Server, example device applications using the IzoT Device Stack EX, and example Web pages using the IzoT Server. Schematics are also included for the example application I/O hardware. The Standard Edition is available as a free download and does not require any royalties.

  • Premium Edition — includes all the content of the Standard Edition, and adds support for development of custom IzoT routers and network interfaces, and also adds one year of access to the IzoT SDK GitHub project for easy access to source code updates. The Premium Edition has a retail list price of $895, and also does not require any royalties. A Premium Edition Maintenance Renewal is available to add an additional year of access to the IzoT SDK GitHub project.

You can use the IzoT Device Stack EX included with both editions to enable you to build networks of communicating devices, as part of the Industrial Internet of Things, using an IzoT Router or other 32-bit or 64-bit processor and operating system as the processing engine for connected devices. With the IzoT Device Stack EX, your devices can exchange data with each other on an easy-to-use, publish-subscribe data model over IP. Your IzoT devices can collect data from physical sensors built to monitor things including temperature, humidity, light-level, power-consumption, or moisture, and make the data available to other IzoT devices within the community. Using data received from other IzoT devices or local sensors, your IzoT devices can also control physical actuators such as LED dimmers, motor controllers, damper controllers, and solenoids.

The IzoT stacks are ready-to-run on the IzoT Router, Raspberry Pi, and BeagleBone Black. The stacks are provided as source code that can be ported to a variety of 32-bit or 64-bit processors and operating systems. On a 64-bit processor, the IzoT Device Stack EX must run as a 32-bit application. A reference implementation of both stacks is available for Linux that has been tested on the popular Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black platforms. Reference example devices are also available for the Raspberry Pi.

The Standard and Premium editions of the IzoT SDK are available in the following distribution formats:

  • Raspberry Pi Image — a ready-to-run image for a Rasperry Pi 2 or a Model B+ or Model B Raspberry Pi. You can write this image to an SD card, install the SD card in a Raspberry Pi, boot to Linux, and start using the IzoT SDK.

  • BeagleBone Black Flasher Image — a ready-to-run flasher image for a Rev C or Rev B BeagleBone Black. You can write this image to a Micro SD card, install the Micro SD card in a BeagleBone Black, and boot to Linux. The flasher image copies the image to the on-board eMMC flash on the BeagleBone Black. You can then reboot the BeagleBone Black, boot to Linux, and start using the IzoT SDK.

  • Source Distribution — Source code and Linux build scripts for the IzoT stacks. You can port the code to the processor and operating system of your choice.