Migrating from the i.LON 600 to the SmartServer IoT

Migrating from the i.LON 600 to the SmartServer IoT

You can replace an i.LON 600 with a SmartServer IoT plus a U60 FT or U60 TP-1250 interface.  By default, the LON routers in the SmartServer are all configured as repeaters so the SmartServer IP-852 router acts as a direct replacement for the i.LON 600 router if you have a U60 attached to the SmartServer. If you are replacing an i.LON 600 IP-852 router in an IzoT CT or LonMaker drawing the single router in your drawing will correspond to the IP-852 to IP-70 router in the SmartServer, but will route all LON traffic to the routers for each of the attached U60s. If you have multiple U60s, this can result in excessive traffic on the LON FT or TP-1250 channels since every LON channel will carry the traffic from the other LON channel. To isolate traffic and control channel bandwidth utilization, use your LON network management tool such as IzoT CT or LonMaker to add an IP-852 to IP-70 router and an IP-70 to FT or TP-1250 router for each U60 attached to your SmartServer, configure the routers as configured routers instead of repeaters, and commission them.

See (Optional) Add a LON IP-852 Router for examples on how to use the SmartServer IoT as a replacement for i.LON user-cases. The SmartServer can also be configured to use RNI or IP-852 routing. For SmartServer releases prior to 2.7 Update 1, see Features Configuration.

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