What's New

What's New

This documentation describes how to use the first release of the IzoT CPM 4200 Wi-Fi EVK, and the second release of the IzoT Router, IzoT Server, and the IzoT SDK. These last three are called IzoT Router 2, IzoT Server 2, and Izot SDK 2. As described in the Introduction, there are two editions of the IzoT SDKthe Standard Edition (SE) and the Premium Edition (PE).

Following are the key new features for IzoT Router 2 and IzoT SDK 2. The editions containing the new features are listed at the end of each feature:

  • Support for IP-852 and Remote Network Interfaces (RNIs—PE and IzoT Router)
  • Support for multi-channel routing, with support for up to 6 routers, each routing from a LAN IP-70 channel to up to five LON channels and one IP-852 channel (PE and IzoT Router)
  • Simplified custom Web page development with a new IzoT Vision tool (SE, PE, and IzoT Router)
  • Device interface (XIF) file generation for IzoT Python (SE and PE)
  • IzoT Server support for SNVT_str_ascii and other string types (SE and PE)
  • New server device for CPU utilization, memory usage, and disk usage (SE, PE, and IzoT Router)
  • Device browser updates to optionally show unique ID, type, and program ID in the device tabs (SE, PE, and IzoT Router)
  • Sorting options and manual ordering support in the device browser (SE, PE, and IzoT Router)
  • Data export from the device browser (SE, PE, and IzoT Router)
  • Enhanced multi-browser support (SE, PE, and IzoT Router)

Check the software compatibility list on the Echelon Support Web site at www.echelon.com/support for the latest version of the IzoT Router software and IzoT SDK.

To update from an earlier version of the IzoT Router software, see Updating the IzoT Router Software.