Segment Do Actions


The edge server supports this do topic, which accepts the action objects listed below

Action Objects

The following actions are accepted by the edge server:




Used to import system configuration data such as the definition of devices, datapoint connections, or schedules into an existing system. Typically sourced from another system that is not defined with IAP/MQ.

The import action supports the steps: open, close, begin, end, and cancel. See Import Action.


Used to load firmware into an edge server. See Load Do Action.


Used to request a device search-and-discovery cycle as detailed in Device Discovery.


Used to request a report of items held in the database. This is primarily useful for testing and debugging.

This action supports an optional argument, filter. Filter takes a regular expression, which must match the reported items. Filter defaults to all currently known feedback items.

timeUsed to configure the current UTC time and date, the local timezone, and daylight savings rule. See the time field in the Segment Configuration Properties table.