Configuring the IzoT Network Server

The IzoT Network Server is an instance of the Echelon LonBridge Server. It is configured by an XML-like settings file at $IZOT/etc/lonbridge/config.xml.

An example configuration file looks similar to the following:

	<id value="lon1" /> 
	<interface value="default" /> 
	<ip value="" /> 
	<port value="3050" /> 
	<pollrate value="1.0" /> 
	<logging value="general" /> 
	<isi value="disable" /> 
	<subnetnodeid value="1/50" /> 
	<domainid value="1, 3 0 0" /> 


SettingDefault ValueDescription
idlon1The name (identity) of the IzoT Network Server instance. Used in IzoT Network Server client messages.
interfacedefaultThe name (URL) of the IzoT Network Interface (including protocol) to open. The default interface used by the IzoT Network Server is izot:// (LonTalk/IP). Other network interface protocols include: izot-e (LonTalk/IP Enhanced Mode), uc (LonTalk IP-852 Unicast) and mc (LonTalk IP-852 Multicast). Additional URL parameters specify ports and/or IP addresses.
ip127.0.0.1The IP address to bind the IzoT Network Server to for client connections. By default, this is (localhost), allowing client connections only from internal localhost conections (e.g. allowing only the local IzoT REST API Server to connect). To allow client connections from all external addresses, specify To permit only connections on a specific (e.g. private) network interface, specify the IP address of the desired network interface.
port3050The TCP port to listen on for IzoT Network Server client connections.
pollrate1The time in seconds between successive background datapoint polls. The value can be specified in tenths of a second, such as "0.5" to poll every half second. Fast polling results in higher network utilization and higher CPU usage for the IzoT Server. Slower polling results in longer response times to datapoint updates.
logginggeneralOne of the logging levels (in ascending order of verboseness): none, error, general (or normal), debug, verbose, debug (or all or detail).
isidisableWhether to enable or disable ISI.  ISI must be disabled for the IzoT Server if the network is managed by another network manager such as the IzoT Net Server.
The default value is disable.
domainid1, 3 0 0

When ISI is enabled, the Domain ID will be 495349 (ISI) for the uc and mc protocols, and determined automatically (based on the IP address of the host) for the izot and izot-e protocols.

When ISI is disabled, this setting allows the user to specify the Domain ID using the format: len, d1 d2 d3 where len is 0, 1, or 3, and d1, d2 and d3 are the three (hex) bytes of the Domain ID.
The default domainid value is 1, 3 0 0, which is a one-byte domain with a domain ID of 3.


When ISI is enabled, the Subnet ID and Node ID will be set randaomly for the uc and mc protocols, and determined automatically (based on the IP address of the host) for the izot and izot-e protocols.When ISI is disabled, this setting allows the user to specify the Subnet ID and Node ID using the format: subnetId/nodeId where subnetId is a decimal value between 1 and 255 (inclusive) and nodeId is a decimal value between 1 and 127 (inclusive).
The default subnetnodeid value is 1/50, which is subnet 1 node 50.