
Github provides examples on how to use and customize the SmartServer, including example applications and web pages for the EnOcean SmartServer IoT Edge Server. 

Github examples include:

  • apps – SmartServer application and internal devices.
    • localDev is used to create SmartServer internal devices, which can be used to customize the SmartServer, or used to help map LonWorks to BACnet and Modbus datapoints, or vice versa.
      • To use localDev, you will need an XIF file with the datapoints you want to support. To use dynamic datapoints for IzoT CT, use the included NM_DynamicC.xif file.

  • connectors – node.js examples that show how to connect to a cloud server.
    • Azure

  • drivers – example custom drivers.
  • node-red – example Node-RED example flows.
    • web-connector shows how to do datapoint web binding between two or more SmartServers.
    • dashboards shows example web flows web pages.
    • See Node-RED Tutorial for information on how to use the SmartServer Node-RED editor built into the CMS Sequencing widget.
  • starter kit – Starter Kit examples, including resources file examples for BACnet, Modbus, LON, and Node-RED. 
    • The SmartServer Starter Kit is a demo-board with BACnet, LON, and Modbus devices that are used to demo and test the SmartServer IoT. 
    • Includes resources file examples for BACnet, Modbus, LON, and Node-RED.
    • See the SmartServer IoT Starter Kit User's Guide for additional information on how to setup and use the Starter Kit.

  • web pages – example custom web pages that show how to use the SmartServer REST API and the WebSocket APIs.