SmartServer Manager vs. SmartSupervisor

SmartServer Manager vs. SmartSupervisor

SmartSupervisor is available with SmartServer 4.4 and higher.

The SmartServer's built-in CMS allows you to interact with devices. With SmartServer 4.4 and higher, you have the option of configuring your SmartServer system to run with SmartServer Manager, which provides a management interface for a single SmartServer, or EnOcean SmartSupervisor, which provides a supervision and management interface for multiple SmartServers. These options are described below.

SmartServer Manager can be used to provision, manage, monitor, and control all your devices from a single CMS integrated with a single SmartServer. With SmartServer Manager, the CMS runs on the SmartServer IoT or EnOcean SmartConnect. The edge devices may be any mix of BACnet, EnOcean, LON, LoRaWAN, and Modbus devices. You can use the SmartServer Manager that is integrated with the SmartServer, or you can create your own CMS using the IAP interfaces to the SmartServer.

SmartSupervisor can be used to provision, manage, monitor, and control devices that are provisioned onto multiple SmartServers using a single SmartSupervisor. With SmartSupervisor, the CMS runs on a host computer that you provide separate from the SmartServers. The edge devices may be any mix of BACnet, EnOcean, LON, LoRaWAN, and Modbus devices. With SmartSupervisor, you can set up and operate your system across multiple SmartServers from a single view. You can access SmartSupervisor from a web browser to communicate with the SmartSupervisor host, or you can create your own CMS using the IAP interfaces to SmartSupervisor. See SmartSupervisor Getting Started for more information.

The number of SmartServers that you can support with a single SmartSupervisor depends upon the SmartSupervisor host performance and available resources. Each SmartServer that you provision within SmartSupervisor can deliver up to 50 events-per-second (EPS) to SmartSupervisor. SmartSupervisor was tested on a Dell server computer with ten SmartServers, each generating 50 EPS for a total of 500 EPS delivered to SmartSupervisor. Cloned SmartServers are not supported in SmartSupervisor configurations. For cloned SmartServers, use SmartServer Manager configurations.


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