Connect to the Raspberry Pi

Connect to the Raspberry Pi

SmartConnect is available with SmartServer 4.2 and higher.

This section describes how to connect to Raspberry Pi remotely using SSH. You will use the SSH console to install the SmartConnect software. To perform these instructions, the Raspberry Pi must be attached to a wired LAN network, with a PC that exists on the same LAN network. This section consists of the following:

Determining Your Raspberry Pi IP Address

If the Raspberry Pi was configured as described in the section Install the Raspberry Pi OS for SmartConnect, then it will have the hostname rpi-smartserver in a DHCP network that includes a DNS server. If there is no DNS server on the LAN, then the Raspberry Pi will respond using mDNS protocol to the hostname rpi-smartserver.local. Depending on whether your LAN includes a DNS server, enter one of the following commands from a terminal window to determine your Raspberry Pi IP address:

ping rpi-smartserver
ping rpi-smartserver.local

If you cannot resolve the Raspberry Pi TCP/IP address on your LAN through one of the hostname options, then you may need to find address by reviewing the tables in your local internet gateway device. The figure below describes the minimal network requirements to complete these instructions.  

Connecting and Logging into Your Raspberry Pi

You can use a terminal window SSH connection, or SSH client (e.g., putty.exe), to log into Raspberry Pi with the SmartConnect hostname or IP address. 

Login credentials for SSH access are the same as your Raspberry Pi login credentials. These login credential are set when you create the SD card image as described in Install the Raspberry Pi OS for SmartConnect. If you followed the Setup Steps procedure in the Install the Raspberry Pi OS for SmartConnect section, then the default username is apollo and the hostname is rpi-smartserver.  

After the SmartConnect software is installed, the hostname of your Raspberry Pi is changed to smartserver-<SID>. In networks that support DHCP and a local DNS server, this name should resolve. In a network that does not include a DNS server, add .local to the hostname to engage the mDNS protocol to resolve the SmartConnect IP address. 

To log into Raspberry Pi using SSH, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal window and enter the following command:

    ssh <login user name>@<ip address or hostname>

    Example: IP address

    ssh apollo@

    Example: hostname with a local DNS server

    ssh apollo@rpi-smartserver

    Example: hostname without a local DNS server; using mDNS

    ssh apollo@rpi-smartserver.local

    A prompt appears to enter the password.

  2. Enter the Raspberry Pi password that you set in the Raspberry Pi OS Imaging application

    Example result using putty.exe as an SSH client:


Once you are connected to the Raspberry Pi, go to Install SmartConnect to continue with SmartConnect setup.

Opening a Terminal Connection Using the SmartConnect Configuration Page

Once SmartConnect is installed and you are logged in, you can open a terminal connection using the SmartConnect Configuration page Terminal tab (left-side) as shown below.




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