(Optional) Using YABE and Foreign Device Registration

(Optional) Using YABE and Foreign Device Registration

You can use YABE (Yet Another BACnet Explorer) with your SmartServer to explore and navigate BACnet devices. If you are using YABE outside the local network, then you can register the SmartServer as a foreign device if a BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD) is active and properly configured on the remote network.

To use YABE with your SmartServer, perform the following steps:

  1. Open YABE.

  2. Select Options → Settings from the menu bar.

    The Settings view appears.

  3. If your PC, YABE, and SmartServer are in the same network, then go to step #6 and configure the IP address of your PC and the UDP port in the add Device view.

  4. If your PC, YABE, and SmartServer are not in the same network, then configure the following fields:
    1. Default BBMD

    2. Default Port
      1. Refer to the SmartServer BACnet Configuration page shown below.
      2. Convert the UDP port value to a numeric format.

        SmartServer BACnet Configuration page

    3. Default UDP/IP
      1. Use the IP address for the VPN.


  5. Close the Settings view.

  6. Select add a Device from the main menu.

    The BACnet Communication Channel view appears.

  7. Configure the Port and Local Endpoint fields.
    1. If your PC, YABE, and SmartServer are in the same network, then set the IP address of your PC in the Local Endpoint field, and the alphanumeric UDP port.
    2. If your PC, YABE, and SmartServer are not in the same network, then set the IP address of your VPN in the Local Endpoint field, and the alphanumeric UDP port.

  8. Click Start.

  9. Close the BACnet Communication Channel view.

  10. If you are using YABE outside the local network, then select Functions → IP Services → Foreign Device Registration from the main menu to register the SmartServer as a foreign device.

    The Foreign Registry view appears.

  11. Set the IP address for the SmartServer and the numeric UPD Port.

  12. Click Register.

  13. Close the Foreign Registry view.

    The Devices view shows the added device.

    YABE Devices view

    YABE Discovered device details

    YABE Device datapoint property

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