Viewing Maintenance Reports

Viewing Maintenance Reports

Maintenance reports present device alarm and warning information over a period of time. In order to view these reports, you must first create a report definition and then generate the report.

This section describes these operations and consists of the following:

Creating a Report Definition

You can create a maintenance report definition using the Report Definition widget. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the SmartServer CMS.

  2. Open the Report Definition widget.


  3. Click the Action button (image-20250220-220634.png ) and select the Create Definition action.

    The Create Definition view appears.


  4. Enter values for the following report parameters:

    • Name – the report name

    • Type – Maintenance Report

    • Scope type – Device, Geozone, or Group

    • Selection type – options depend upon the Scope type selection as follows:

      • Device – Devices by customer or Multiple select

      • Geozone – Geozones by customer or Multiple select

      • Group – Groups by customer or Multiple select

  5. Click NEXT

    A search view appears.


  6. Enter values for the following report parameters:

    • Search – used to select devices or group

    • Granularity – None (default)



  7. Click SAVE.

    The new report definition is added to the Report Definition widget.


Generating Reports

You can generate a report using the Report Definition widget. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the SmartServer CMS.

  2. Open the Report Definition widget.



  3. Click the Action button () for the desired report and select the Generate Report action.

    The Generate Report widget is added to the CMS dashboard. You may need to scroll down to view this widget, or you can click on the report name located on the left side of the dashboard for quick access.


  4. On the Generate Report widget, define the time period for which you wish to have the report generated from the list of available dropdown options:

    • Custom period

    • Last month

    • Last week

    • Last year

    • This year

    • This month

    • This week

    • Today

    • Previous month

    • Previous week

    • Previous year

    • Yesterday


    Custom Time Period Settings


  5. Click GENERATE.
    The report is displayed. Click the Expand button (image-20250220-221006.png).  


  6. Click SAVE AS PDF or SAVE AS CSV to save the report.

Showing Reports

You can view generated reports using the Report Definition widget. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the SmartServer CMS.

  2. Open the Report Definition widget.



  3. Click the Action button () for the desired report and select the Show Reports action.

    A report list appears.


  4. Click the Show Report button ( ) to display the report.

    Or, click the Back button ( ) to return to the Report Definition view.


Removing a Report Definition

You can remove a report definition using the Report Definition widget. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the SmartServer CMS.

  2. Open the Report Definition widget.

  3. Click the Action button image-20250220-221216.png) for the desired report and select the Remove action. Removing a report definition also deletes related reports.


    A confirmation dialog box appears.


  4. Click OK to remove the selected report definition and related reports.

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