Defining the Program ID

You must assign a unique identifier to each IzoT application that you create. This identifier is called the program ID. See Program ID for a description of the program ID format and fields.

To specify the program ID, assign the program ID value to the IzoT Python PROGRAM_ID value.


The following code from the Keypad example includes the assignment of the Keypad program ID.

from izot.examples.common.framework.framework import Framework 
from izot.examples.common.framework.framework import FrameworkMenu 
from izot.examples.common.framework.framework import ApplicationType 
import izot.device 
from izot.resources.profiles.iotKeypad import iotKeypad 
from izot.resources.profiles.iotAnalogOutput import iotAnalogOutput   

PROGRAM_ID = '9F:FF:FF:05:00:70:00:01'    # Program ID for the Keypad application 
APP_NAME = 'keypad_example' 
APP_DESCRIPTION = 'The IzoT Keypad example application' 
APP_TYPE = ApplicationType.KEYPAD

The example IzoT devices use the following program IDs:

ExampleProgram ID
LED Controller9F:FF:FF:05:00:6F:00:02
Environment Sensor9F:FF:FF:05:00:68:00:03
Multi DIO9F:FF:FF:05:00:51:00:13 (see note)
Note: The last digit of the Multi DIO example identifies the number of channels, and may be a value from 1 to 7. By default, three channels are implemented.