Retrieving Backup Files When Using the Download Method

Retrieving Backup Files When Using the Download Method

The CMS Import/Export button is available with SmartServer 3.5 and higher. For SmartServer 2.7 Update 1 and higher and prior to 3.5, the CMS Import/Export feature is available with the CMS Settings button. 

You can use the SmartServer CMS Import/Export dialog (shown below) to back up (export) and restore (import) the SmartServer system, database, and configuration files. Click the Import/Export button (image-20250227-195427.png) located on the SmartServer app bar to use the Import/Export dialog.

You can save SmartServer backup files to a specified SmartServer directory (Local Storage) or to your PC (Download). The Export Destination (Local Storage or Download) is defined when you create the backup file.

To retrieve backup files that were exported using the Download method as the Export Destination, click the Download button (image-20250227-195445.png) on the Import/Export dialog. The backup file appears in your downloads as shown in the figure below.

When retrieving Download method backup files, most networks will resolve the hostname that is set in the SmartServer Network Configuration page. You can find your SmartServer IoT hostname and IP address on the SmartServer Network Configuration page as shown below.

SmartServer IoT Network Configuration Page

If your network does not resolve the hostname, then you will see an error message similar to the following:

You may see this error message if you remotely access the SmartServer or DNS resolution does not work. In this case, you need to either replace the hostname with the SmartServer IP address in the URL, or modify your /etc/hosts file to associate the SmartServer IP address with the SmartServer hostname as shown in the examples that follow.

Example 1:

Modify the URL (shown in the example figure above) by replacing

https://<SmartServer hostname>/iap/cms/storage/download/...


https://<SmartServer IP address>/iap/cms/storage/download/...

Example 1a: SmartServer hostname


Example1b: SmartServer IP address

Example 2:

Modify the /etc/hosts file as shown in the figure below:


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