Working with Maps

Working with Maps

For SmartServer 3.3 and prior releases, the Locations widget is called the Map Widget.

For SmartServer 3.4 - 3.6, see Defining Contexts (Release 3.4 - 3.6)

For SmartServer 3.3 and prior, see Defining Contexts (Release 3.3 and Prior)

This section consists of the following:

Navigating the Map

The Locations widget is shown below.

The features on the left are described below.

  • Use the Zoom button () to focus the map to the desired geographic area.

    • Click the  +  button to zoom in, or the  –  button to zoom out.

  • Use the Edit Mode button () to switch to edit mode.

  • Use the Reset Filter button () to reset views to the default settings. 

  • Use the Refresh Map button ( )  to refresh the Locations widget. 

The features on the right are described in the sections that follow.

Setting the Map View

To set the map display, click the Map View button (image-20250218-171026.png) and select one of the following options:

  • OpenStreetMap

  • Google Streets

  • Google Terrain

  • Google Hybrid 

Showing Device Information

To show the device information, click the Show Device Information button (image-20250218-171058.png) and select one of the following options: 

  • image-20250218-171126.png – show devices grouped/ungrouped by segment controller

  •  – show device status (provisioned or deprovisioned). The device status information appears on the map. The SmartServer CMS uses colors to differentiate device state.

Clustering / Declustering Devices

To cluster / decluster devices, click the Cluster Radius button (image-20250218-171233.png) and use the slider (scale 1-10) to cluster / decluster devices. More devices will appear on the map as the slider number is decreased; devices will appear clustered (grouped) as the slider number is increased. The color of the device cluster indicates alarm status. See Device State Colors for more information.

Showing Devices by Status

To filter and display devices on the map based on their operating status, click the Show Device Status button (image-20250218-171300.png) and select one of the following filter options:

  • image-20250218-171338.png – show devices that are provisioned

  • image-20250218-171350.png – show devices that are deprovisioned

  • image-20250218-171426.png – show provisioned devices that are down

  • image-20250218-171517.png – show provisioned devices that are not communicating (suspect state)

  • image-20250218-171503.png – show devices that are being provisioned (alternating blue/green colors)

  • image-20250218-171450.png – show devices with marginal health status indicating that a failure was reported by the device, typically during provisioning (i.e., the device could be reached but it would not provision due to an error unrelated to communication). For drivers that implement marginal state, this device status is available with SmartServer 3.2.

See Device State Colors for more information.

Showing / Hiding Areas (Zones)

If an area context has been defined, you can use the Hide Zones button (image-20250218-172256.png) or Show Zones button (image-20250218-172311.png) to hide / show areas on a floor plan.

To view areas that have been defined for a context, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the SmartServer CMS.

  2. Open the Planning widget.


  3. Place your cursor over the room context and select the Show on Map action ().


    The Locations widget appears. Use the Zoom button () to focus the map to the desired view.


  4. Click the Hide Zones button () to hide areas.


  5. Click the Show Zones button () to show areas.


  6. Optionally, click the Menu button () for a listing of floors.


  7. Click the Back button (image-20250218-171951.png) for a zoomed-in view of the Locations widget.



For more information on how to create, edit, and delete context, see Defining and Using Contexts.

Managing Devices

The Locations widget provides the ability to perform some general device management operations. To do so, click the desired device on the map and select the action that you want to perform. The actions that are available depend on the device type and state as described in the sections below.

Segment Controllers

Click the SmartServer device for segment controller management routines as follows:

  • image-20250218-171837.png – show alarms, if any exist

  • image-20250218-171853.pngreplace device

Edge Devices

Click the edge device for edge device management routines:

  • view datapoints

  • image-20250218-171728.png– show alarms, if any exist

  • image-20250218-171742.png– replace device

  • deprovision device

  • test device


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