Configuring Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE)

Configuring Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE)

Configuring AIDE using the SmartServer System Configuration page is available with SmartServer 4.3 and higher. This feature is not available for SmartConnect. 

Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) is an open source, Linux operating system file and directory integrity checker. Running AIDE creates a significant load on the CPU and file system and can impact system performance. In high security installations, this feature may need to enabled; otherwise, it should be disabled. This process affects the SmartServer as follows:

  • For SmartServer 4.3 and higher, AIDE is disabled by default. If your system security policy requires running AIDE, then you can enable this process to run once a day using the SmartServer System Configuration page. 

  • For SmartServer 3.5 to 4.2 Update 1, AIDE is enabled by default. In cases where this process impacts system performance, or running AIDE is not required, you can disable AIDE manually through an SSH console session. 

This section describes how configure AIDE using the SmartServer and consists of the following:

Configuring AIDE for SmartServer 4.3 and Higher

For SmartServer 4.3 and higher, AIDE is disabled by default. Based on your system security policy, you can enable this process to run once a day. Enabling this process creates a significant CPU and filesystem load, which can impact system performance.

To enable AIDE for SmartServer 4.3 and higher, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the SmartServer Configuration page as described in Accessing the SmartServer IoT Configuration Page. The Network tab appears as the default SmartServer Configuration page. Once the network settings are configured for the SmartServer system, then the System tab will appear as shown in the next step.



  2. Click the System tab if needed. The System tab appears.

    For SmartServer 4.3 and higher, AIDE is disabled by default as shown below.


  3. Enable the Run Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) once per day option.



  4. Click Update.

    AIDE is enabled on the SmartServer.

    If you need to stop running AIDE, then disable the Run Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) once per day option (step #3) and click Update.

Configuring AIDE for SmartServer 3.5 to 4.2 Update 1 

For SmartServer 3.5 to 4.2 Update 1, AIDE is enabled by default to run a daily cron job. This process creates a significant CPU and filesystem load that can impact system performance. If you need to stop running AIDE, then perform the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal connection to the SmartServer.

  2. Enter the following command:

    sudo chmod -x /etc/cron.daily/aide

    AIDE is disabled on the SmartServer.


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