Using the Built-in LON FT Channel and Adding U60 DINs

The IzoT Router includes a built-in LON FT interface. You can add up to four additional external U60 DIN Network Interfaces (either LON FT or LON RS-485) to the IzoT Router.

To add one or two external U60 DIN interfaces, plug each U60 into one of the external USB ports on the IzoT Router. To add three or four external U60 DIN interfaces, plug each U60 into a port of an external powered USB hub, and plug the USB hub into the IzoT Router. Once you plug in a new U60, the IzoT Router takes a minute to reconfigure itself. During this time Web page access may not be available. The IzoT Router and U60 DIN Network Interface have been tested with the D-Line DUB-H7 and the Manhattan 10-port powered USB hubs. You can use any powered USB hub that complies with the USB 2.0 standard.

When you add a new external U60 interface, the IzoT Router automatically creates a LAN IP-70 to LON router for the channel attached to the U60 interface. The routers available in an IzoT Router are listed on the IzoT Router System Web page, and you can use the Service Pin buttons on this Web page to send Service messages for any of the routers. If you are installing the IzoT Router in a managed network using a network management tool such as IzoT CT or the LonMaker tool, you can install the routers using your network management tool. If you have multiple U60 interfaces, you can associate you physical U60 interfaces with the listed routers using the MAC ID for the U60 interfaces. The MAC ID for the LON interface of each router is listed in the LON column of the router table on the IzoT Router System Web page. The MAC ID for each physical U60 is printed on a MAC ID label that is included with each U60 interface. For easy reference, a 5-digit install code is also printed on the label. The install code is the last 5 digits of the MAC ID, and provides a shorter identifier than the 12-digit MAC ID.

You can add a Layer 5 or Protocol Analyzer Layer 2 remote network interface (RNI) for the built-in FT interface and for any of your external U60 interfaces. See Using the RNI and IP-852 Network Interfaces for more information.