Configure Warning Limits

Configure Warning Limits

The ability to set warning limits is available with SmartServer 3.5 and higher. Prior to SmartServer 4.2, Warning Limits was called Warning Limits Settings.

To help ensure optimal system performance, you can set event per second (EPS) and annual log size limits so that warning / error messages will be displayed when datapoints exceed a specified number. You can also configure whether or not the EPS and/or annual log size notifications are displayed.

To set warning limits, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the SmartServer CMS.

  2. Open the Settings widget.



  3. Click Warning Limits.


    The Warning Limits view appears.

    SmartServer Manager example SmartServer 4.2 and higher


    SmartSupervisor example prior to SmartServer 4.2

  4. Set the Warning and Error fields, and the Show notification switches as appropriate for your system.

    1. For SmartServer Manager, default values should not be changed.

    2. For SmartSupervisor, warning limits are set per-SmartServer EPS. If per-SmartServer limits are exceeded for some segment controllers, then badges will appears in the Devices widget → SEGMENT CONTROLLERS tab → EPS column.

      An example warning notification is shown below.

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